Monday, September 07, 2009 |
How "silly."ards of Teh State® (aka public school students government indoctrination center inmates) were planning to receive orders tomorrow from their Parens Patriae, Guardian Ad Largum Liberalize'em, Supreme Psychological Parent, and In Locoweeweed-up Parentis-in-Chief (aka Former Junior Senøtard Baradikkkal Hugoamigø Øfascist) to "help the president Der Führer." That is, they were before Dear Leader Løser got caught and had to spend the last few days scrambling desperately to "delete" that Jugendbewegung portion of his already-issued orders.
Of course, had President Bush tried to go into every schoolroom in the nation live via television and ask all students to help him out personally, Demøfascists and other demented paranoid liberals(biorm) wouldn't have said a word—
Hey, wait. Quit laughing....
... Come on, stop rolling on the floor....
... Really, if you keep that up you're gonna break a rib....
(several hours later...)
OK. All done?
I said they wouldn't have said "a" word — because they would've been saying a couple of trillion of them. "Words" like BusHitler!, fascist! regime!, propagandist!-in!-chief!, W's! Dept.! of! Brainwashing!, etc.!, etc.!, etc.!!!11!!!!!1111!!``!ONE!@!!....
In fact, today they'd still be saying them about his attempt to "force his fascist propaganda upon a nationwide captive audience" or some similarly purported "analysis."
No, the only thing silly here is the idea that President Bush and his administration, completely unlike (Ømni)"Present" Øfascist and his collective of other miserable failures, would've ever even considered doing such an evil thing.
Labels: desperate liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., Kommunist Kool-Aid Kult (aka liberalism), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), Useless Nitwits

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