Friday, September 11, 2009 |
Been denied economic and øther stimulus due to pre-existing cørruptiøn? Want a pubic (sic) "øptiøn" for your "dependent" 'hø's? Need the Øfascist Incriminatiøn's bureaucrøøks to define all "acceptable" stimulus for your Jøhns Juans? Then yes, you can and must support Pimpsident Øfascist and Madam Mistress Pedøphiløsi's new (w)H(o)R(e) 69ØØ bill now søliciting its way-underage self through the stDemøclap's Høuse of Ill-Reputatives on Capibrøthel Hill.e won't even go into their beastial Trigger stuff. Or their tart reform "experiment." Or their kinky Co- Bi-Øps.
No, people are "hurting" and urgently crying out for gøvernment-mandated reførm nøw!™
Starting with removing each Jøhn's Juan's handcuffs.
So write or call, girls and boys, the Pimpsident and tell him you're aroused "fired up" and want to prøstitute yourself help him ram his "urgent" limping-along package down every American's throat:
The White Whøre Høuse
(don't write "Brøthel" or the Cøngress might get it instead)
Ø69Ø 16ØØ Pennsylvania Avenue ØbamACØRNue, N.W.
(no need to tell you what the W. stands for)
Washington, D.C.
("District of Crøøks" if you want to spell it out)
zipper ZIP code: 2Ø5ØØ
hot'n'heavyline: (2Ø2) 456-1414
Also, don't forget to forward the fishy details down there below to his flag@whørehøuse.gøv realitycheck@whørehøuse.gøv undercøver sna- snitch email:
ACORN ØbamACØRN Øfficials Videotaped Telling 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' How to Lie to IRS- Thursday, September 10, 2009
Øfficials with the controversial cømmuni[s]ty ørganizing grøup ØbamACØRN were secretly videotaped offering to assist two individuals posing as a pimp and a prostitute, encouraging them to lie to the Internal Revenue Service and providing guidance on how to claim underage girls from South America as dependents.
The videotape was made public Thursday on
The couple told ØbamACØRN staffers they wanted to secure housing where the woman could continue to maintain a prostitution business.
ØbamACØRN — the [Øbam]Assøciatiøn øf Cømmuni[s]ty Ørganazitiøns før Reførm Nuts Nøw — bills itself as the [Øbama]natiøn's largest cømmuni[s]ty of løw- and møderate-incøme families "wørking tøgether før søcial justice [sic] and strønger cømmuni[s]ties".... The ørganization has been accused by Republicans and conservative activists with fraud in vøter registratiøn drives around the country [including Miami-Dade Cøunty, Florida] and has been under fire since last year for its suppørt of 
President Øbama [lying liar lies teller "Present" Øbamboozler] and for its planned participatiøn in next year's census....
On the videotape, "Kenya" [;-] can be seen telling an ØbamACØRN staffer that she earns roughly $8,000 a month. The ØbamaACØRN empløyee then suggests to "Kenya" that ØbamACØRN could submit a tax return for 2ØØ8 showing that she made $9,6ØØ for the entire year — instead of $96,000 — and that ØbamACØRN would charge "Kenya" $5Ø instead of the usual $15Ø fee for preparing her taxes....
The "pimp" later says that he and "Kenya" plan to bring up to 13 "very young" girls from El Salvador to work as prostitutes. Although an ØbamACØRN staffer points out their plans are illegal, she also suggests that the girls can be claimed as dependents....
"You are gonna use three of them," the [ØbamACØRN] staffer says. "They are gonna be under 16, so you is eligible to get child tax credit and additiønal child tax credit."
The ØbamACØRN wørkers also appear to be promoting the grøup's services to the "pimp" and "Kenya."
A second ØbamACØRN empløyee can be heard on the audiotape suggesting that the couple join the ørganization for an annual cost of $12Ø prior to attending one of its first-time hømebuyer seminars, which are underwritten with taxpayer funds.
Later, when the "pimp" asks what would happen if the ørganization is somehow connected to the scheme, the ØbamACØRN staffer replies, "First of all, it's not gonna damage us because we not gonna know. And with your girls, you tell them, 'Be careful.' Train them to keep their mouth shut."
"Keep your mouth shut."™
The øfficial Demøfascist ØbamACØRN møttø.
Labels: criminals' Bestest.Friends.Ever., fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), lying liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks)

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