Short answer: the same fascists who decide, no, you don't have any choice besides buy it or be taxed punished.orrupt politicians and distant bureaucrats making all these decisions for you. Where's the freedom in that?
Every medical record in the entire nation in their grimy hands. Where's the privacy in that?
Those wasteful hands shoving an additional $240 Billion bill in our children and grandchildren's. Where's the cost savings in that?
A better alternative is to give health care vouchers to everyone who's unable to buy insurance, inform those who qualify for existing assistance that they do, offer insurance-purchasing tax incentives to the rest who could but don't buy any, stop counting illegal aliens among the uninsured, and, most importantly, reduce across the board government's regulations- and paperwork-burdening involvement in our and our physicians' choices and our insurers' business practices.
In other words, trust the American people to make the best decisions of, by, for themselves.
Do nothing to deny, lessen, or obstruct their respective rights to choose which physicians and insurers are in their best interests to patronize and which employers are in their best interests to work for, thus giving all physicians, insurers, and employers the highest and clearest possible incentives to freely compete for the title of Best Caterers to their customers and employees' interests.
There's maximum freedom, privacy, and cost savings in this Put Americans First™ alternative to the fascist Democorrupt Party's extremely partisan, Big Government do-all, know-all, be-all "reforms."
The last thing we want is another massive, unaffordable, overly complex, permanent, and out-of-control Put Government First® program that's of the self-serving corrupt politicians and distant bureaucrats, by the self-serving corrupt politicians and distant bureaucrats, for the self-serving corrupt politicians and distant bureaucrats.
Labels: consumer rights, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), good versus evil, government over beyond and forsaking the people, Separation of Common Sense and State, thieving liberals (BIRM)

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