Dear Lying Congressmalefactor(birm): Read The Bill® before you lie to are massive cuts in Medicare in that bill.
Under it, all seniors will be cornered and pressured into making "end of life" decisions and putting them in writing.
Also, over 80 million Americans will loose their current health insurance or plans whether they like it or not, while the only way to keep any that the politicians and bureaucrats think feel isn't "acceptable" is to, unrealistically, never modify it in any way.
"Present" Øfascist is a proponent of single-payer universal health care — "single" and "universal" as in Biggest. Government. Ever. controlling everything that may be bought or sold.
He is collecting data on American citizens who dare question him.
He's also sending out his goon squads to go in and physically attack those citizens at town hall meetings.
Acting Presidents Peloseri and Reidtard and their minions have called those citizens "swastika carrying" Nazis, "un-American," "political terrorists," "angry mobs," "Timothy McVeighs," "troublemakers," etc., etc.
You liars and thieves want to steal our freedoms and deny us the right to choose for ourselves the kind of health care we believe is best for us.
It's that simple.
Lie to us all you want. Indeed, please keep doing so. Report us to your lying, thieving Der Führer while you're at it (
The truth is coming out.
And so are we.
Your desperation and fear — which appear to be the only things you have — won't have the first hope of changing that.
Yes, you can try to run away from us. But you can't hide the truth any longer.
Your bill would do much harm to our lives, our liberties, and our pursuits of happiness.
Either it is cornered and inevitably pressured and forced mercilessly into a horrific end-of-life decision that you in reality make for it or, literally, we all will be.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, lying liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change

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