Typical liberal national socialist Nazi person.ensing he's not going to get his way on Health Care Reform Yes, We Can Kill Off Your Aging Family Members and Make You Buy "Acceptable" Insurance (from Our Corrupt Special-Interest Cronies) or Be Made A "Health""care" Ward of the State (Oh, Almost Forgot: All This Isn't Any of Our "Responsibility," Just Totally Yours!), the extremely desperate Der Führer Baracketeer Husstalin Øfascist has ordered his ACORNazis dangerously violent street thugs to invade your peaceful gatherings and badly beat you up and terrorize everyone in your family.

The fact that his extremely dangerous, out-of-control administration Nazi High Command is resorting to violence and domestic terrorism should come as no surprise to anyone.
After all, he meant his order to "punch back twice as hard" against any defenseless citizens peasants who dare question him or his extreme, abusive Nazi policies to be taken literally by each of his goose-stepping bands of fanatical gangland mobsters which he has violently unleashed on you.
Remember the words of the psychotic Der Führer Øfascist:
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun!”
Your wanting your own "representatives" to cut back "Present" Øfascist's extreme runaway spending sprees before he literally destroys our free-market system, he no doubt officially deems "bring(ing) a knife to the fight," which in his alleged "mind" gives him cause to (soon literally?) gun you down. What's his next order for his SSEIU personal Gestapo? Open fire on the next crowd you're in?
Which of America's cities are Der Führer Øfascist's commie-red coats going to "fundamentally transform" into our generation's Lexington and Concord?
Labels: fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Impeach.Obama.Now., lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), lethal liberalism (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, miserably failing liberals (BIRM)

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