If we let out-of-touch Demøfascist Party Politburo liberals(birm) have their way, they would make every channel that.“I will vote adamantly against the interests of my district if I actually think (sic) what I am doing is going to be helpful. I will vote against (my constituents’) opinion if I actually believe it (single payer ‘option’ total government monopoly) will help them.” |
overnment interference with our health care choices has caused prices to skyrocket astronomically, the federal budget and national debt to spiral dangerously out of control, and the system's problems to reach crisis levels.
So what do out-of-touch Demøfascist Party Politburo liberals(birm) think feel is the solution?
Why, more government interference, of course.
No wonder self-identified conservatives outnumber liberals in every state.
The real solution is to reduce government interference — the cause of all our major problems — as much and as quickly as possible.
Obviously, out-of-touch Demøfascist Party Politburo liberals(birm) never have nor ever will propose we do that because they never have nor ever will trust us to do anything ourselves. Period. They think feel that they alone possess all the right answers and that all of us should just shut up and let them have their way because, they each tell us, "what I am doing is going to be helpful."
Well, it hasn't been helpful before. What makes them think feel that letting them do even more of it is ever going to be?
Seeing how they alone created the whole mess, let's instead tell these Demøfascists, "We don't want you to do a lot of talking. We want you to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. We don't mind cleaning up after you, but don't do a lot of talking."
Or, to break it down into steps so easy even a mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, out-of-touch Demøfascist Party Politburo liberal(birm) could do it:
1. Shut up.
2. Listen to us.
3. Do only what we tell you to do when we tell you to do it.
In that order.
No doubt even this may yet prove too complicated for the likes of them.
So while, yes, we can hope for the best, prepare for these constant channelers of their beloved heroes Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and worse to progress no further than always trying to shove their same old tired ways of all government, all the time down all our throats.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), Don't blame me - I wrote in Ashcroft, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change

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