B. Hooverian Øfascist, in Screecher Peloseri's words, is "oblivious, in denial, dangerous,... an incompetent leader. In fact, he's not a leader. He's a person who has no judgment, no experience and no knowledge of the subjects that he has to decide upon.... The emperor has no clothes. When are people going to face the reality? Pull this curtain back.... His activities, his decisions, the results of his actions are what undermines his leadership, not my statement. My statements are just a statement of fact."olitical hacks in the Øfascist regime have, in mere months, turned a once thriving private industry capable of recovering on it own, into a miserably failing bankrupted mess left with absolutely no hope.
Who in his right mind would even consider letting those hacks take over and do the same thing to our health care industry?
Given the Øfascist Democrook Party's miserable record, their bankrupting that private industry too while they destroy the quality and quantity of services it provides is not only inevitable but bound to egregiously harm every American man, woman, and child.
So when Øbureaucrats tell you your mother has to die because giving her any life-saving medicines and treatment is "too costly," or you have to wait five years for your next mammogram because it's a "change we need," or you're going to see your job's health benefits taxed exorbitantly because "we're out of money," or your child must be injected with a rushed-approved dangerous cocktail of experimental drugs because some well connected, bailed out Big Pharmaceutical company is due a payback for its huge contributions to Former Senator Øfascist's reelection campaign, or you have to pay ever and ever higher medical bills and insurance premiums because "Present" Øfascist made it much, much easier for his fellow lawyers to sue doctors and hospitals for even the most frivolous "causes," just try to take comfort in the fact that he's spreading all this misery around to everybody.
GM Health "Care"®. Coming soon to a fascist totalitarian state near you.™
Labels: culture of death and destruction, dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change

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