(A note from Der Øbameinführer)
lease excuse Kennedy's absence...she's being indoctrinated by with me.
"s/ Blahblah Øfascist
"P.S. I am hereby granting her a field promotion to Røttenführer in the Øbamajunge, so if you question her about playing hooky there will be...consequences. In fact, basking in my presence is henceforth declared an unquestionable exception under all state truancy laws. It is more in the public interest that every student be devoted to studying and adoring me than be seated in some classroom reading lies about how 'great' this awful imperialistic racist country allegedly is. To that end, I order you to require each of your students to write every other country on earth a letter that fully apologizes for all the bad things we've done to them over the last 200+ years. (If you need any ideas for what they should include in their letters, just get copies of my latest overseas speeches.)
"P.P.S. If you fail to comply in any way with this note, I will be forced to bail out take over your school, fire its principal, and monitor and/or place you under arrest for engaging in possible rightwing extremist activities.
"Have a nice day."
Labels: fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), idiot liberals (BIRM), Kommunist Kool-Aid Kult (aka liberalism), lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), narcissist liberals (BIRM), Obama 'Nation'

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