Only the healthy get good care. All others don't because, if they did, it'd be "too costly" or "an inefficient use of very limited resources."
yramid schemes work only so long as the schemers keep finding a new batch of willing suckers whom, yes, they can suck dry to pay off the last batch — after they skim a large portion off the top, of course.
The schemers we call elected officials Democrooks have seen how well and how long that's worked for them with Social(ized) Security® and the money and power that, yes, they can skim from it. So no one should be surprised they're trying extremely hard to set up another — which this time they're calling Socialized Medicine "Universal Healthcare®."
In this case "Universal," like its namesake, means so big and mysterious no one can really understand it, other than to know it's mostly vacuum and full of dark matter and contains many black holes from which nothing — not even light &mdash can escape before being totally gobbled up and crushed. Except that the crushees are mainly your taxed dollars and your right to choose your own doctors, medical treatment, etc.
So far, so bad.
It's worse when you consider these schemers' "reform" plan would literally take one-sixth of "our" nation's already sagging economy and, like GM ØM, place it under Doctor B. Frankenstein Øfascist's dangerously shaking, incompetent hand and his blunt, rusty scalpel and jarloads of ravenous leeches. There aren't enough sutures in the world universe to stem the constant bleeding our economic wealth and our personal health would be literally forced to endure under his "care."
Now if you're so healthy you never need any of this Socialized Medicine Universal Healthcare®, you'll have very little to worry about. Starting with the money, if any, left in your wallet after Demøfascists impose this latest scheme of theirs on you and your family.
Well, that Living Thing™ is so overrated. Plus the pyramid schemers Demobandits would rather you drop dead anyway in order to "save costs."
After all, the more they have to spend on you, the less Hope™ they have of taking enough skim off the top to expand those already extensive powers of, by, and for themselves.
You should really think of someone else for a Change®, you know.
Labels: culture of death and destruction, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), spread the misery around, thieving liberals (BIRM), Union of Soviet-style Socialist States of America

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