Domestic Terrorist-in-Chiefhe so-called "Commander-in-Chief" issued no statement of sympathy or support whatsoever for our Troops and their families murdered or otherwise harmed by his fellow cold-blooded islamofascist in Arkansas, unlike he did for the family of one of his fellow cold-blooded mass-infanticide enablers murdered by a postnatal abortionist in Kansas. No shock and outrage when his radical extremist brethren slaughters innocent human beings.
But what else should anyone expect from an "experiencer of islam on three continents" — i.e. (in reverse order), North America, Indonesia, and his continent of birth Africa — who "has raised the hopes of muslims all over the world"?
Teh Religion of Pieces of Sh— er...I mean "Peace"™ adds to its Great Achievements® another cowardly attack targeting unarmed American citizens. Teh Øn[c]e™'s response: total silence.
"Oh, but you can't lump all 'experiencers of islam' into one category like that! They're not all murderers or condoners of murder."
Oh, but I can when the illogical loony left(birm) would be lumping all Christians or Jews into that same domestic-terrorist category were the percentage of Christians or Jews murdering or condoning the murder of American citizens "for what their nation has done to Christians (or Jews)" even a tenth of the percentage of muslims murdering or condoning the murder of American citizens "for what their nation has done to muslims."
There's shock and outrage from the øbamofascist Whine House after a non-muslim cold-bloodedly kills. Not any after a muslim does.
As our nation's allegedly highest official, either you're loudly denouncing these muslim domestic terrorists or you're with them.
There's no third door.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, al-Qaedaqratic Party, anti-America liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, Obama 'Nation', treason

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