You betcha!resent" B. Hitlerian Øfascist and his fellow Master Racists are digging a hole for themselves larger and deeper than the Grand Canyon. But all the aggressive, adversarial press Democorrupt Party's Propaganda Wing™ does is look up at the sky and repeat "What hole? We don't see any hole" while stepping all around that gaping abyss and yet managing somehow to avoid falling in it.
So it's absolutely no wonder a growing number of these self-blinded, -deafened, and -dumbed Wingers are now officially in the employ of Øfascist's Shovel Brigade, including CNN senior producer Sasha Johnson, The Post's Sunday Outlook deputy editor Warren Bass, Time Magazine Moscow bureau chief Jay Carney (husband of ABC's Claire Shipman), CBS and ABC congressional correspondent and National Journal editor Linda Douglass, Los Angeles Times reporter Peter Gosselin, Education Week reporter David Hoff, CBS and ABC producer Beverley Lumpkin, Washington Post science reporter Rick Weiss, Chicago Tribune correspondent Jill Zuckman, CNN correspondent Aneesh Raman, CNN producer Kate Albright-Hanna, and more than a few "news" photographers.
Separation of press and state? Hardly. More like mercenary attack dogs trained by and at the beck and call of Former Senator Foreign Student Øfascist's totalitarian thugocracy. His own personal White Housse Press Corpss Gestapo.
Only their beloved Øführer's most laughably transparent inconsistencies — practically never his lies, cover-ups, bribes, radical extremism, hatred of America, true allegiances, or treason — are the stories they feel they have no choice but to nominally cover. Just so, yes, these journalists Demoqrat propagandists can say they did.
You could count the number of journalists working in the Bush White House on less than one half a hand. Even so, this was enough to cause the liberal media(birm) to collectively have a virtual conniption.
But now that at least a dozen liberal media producers, reporters, and photographers are overtly on the Øfascist maladministration's payroll, it's considered normal Business As Usual™.
Labels: agenda driven mainstream media (BIRM), anti-America liberals (BIRM), DeMSMocrat-dictatorial complex, dinosaur media, fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), Kommunist Kool-Aid Kult (aka liberalism)

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