Speaker of the Demoqrats' lies Naggy Pinheadsí is a lying liar. (In other Obvious "News" from Planet Earth™: Water flows downhill, and the sun sets in the west.)irst, a complete and thorough essay on all that motivates Demofibberat Pelooni, Demofascist B. Hustlin' Øfascist, Dirtbag-o-rat Harry "Lost" Reid, and the rest of the Democrook Party fascist anti-America liberal misleaders(birm):
Power. The End.
Dictators throughout the ages have only dreamed of amassing the amount of it our country's Demoscam-a-lot Party now possesses; and all of those previous dictators put together never abused the ones they did have as much. That's because, in this country, our government is supposed to be based solely on the strong but very limited powers we choose to loan it. Such arrangement, we decided, is supremely equitable and just for a free people.
When in the possession, however, of the most untrustworthy collection of power-crazed liars, traitors, and crooks our country has ever seen, each bereft of every honor or any sense of it, we have the right as well as the duty — not only to ourselves but to future generations of Americans — to call in that loan of powers. Their abuses have put them in full default. Our choice then becomes either replace by election the immediate receivers of our loan or alter by constitutional amendment its terms.
Yes, we can decide that we need no change at all. That a fascist totalitarian government is exactly what our country and all her people deserve and should welcome.
By doing nothing you help maintain that new status quo.
Only do not be surprised when those whose hearts are still animated by the spirit of Liberty tell you, "Crouch down and lick the hands of Nanny-statist Psychosí, 'Present' Øfascist, and all the other Demoliarats which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!"
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), elitist despot liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), lying liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), neither Hope nor Change

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