Abortable up to at least nine months of age.hy not? If, yes, women can choose to have scraped and snuffed out those lumps of flesh which grew from their zygotes that are composed almost entirely of their ova, then what makes such a lump any more special after it is detached from a woman's body?
"It has eyes and a mouth, and coughs and coos, and eats and burps, and wiggles and kicks, and even smiles."
So? When it was attached to her body by literally a single cord it had and did practically the same things.
"It no longer needs, objectively speaking, a host body to survive."
So? That was true weeks if not months before it became detached. Even then many still would have deemed that lump of flesh merely another of her own body parts.
"But it didn't look anywhere close to human before that time."
So? There have been some fairly unhuman-looking lumps of flesh detached from women which eventually became adults. Michael Jackson at one time reportedly tried to buy the remains of one of them.
"It is not physiologically attached to a woman."
So? Say she was in a terrible car crash and a piece of metal pierced her and cut the cord attaching her to that lump of flesh, but both it and she were otherwise going to be fine. It is still a part of her body that, yes, she can choose to have scraped and snuffed out. Like her arm or leg, had it instead been cut off, and she chooses to have it thrown in a dumpster rather than reattached to her.
"An arm or a leg isn't an internal body part."
So? Say the salvageable body part that gets detached in that car crash is her tongue. Although unlikely, it may be her choice to live without a tongue because she happens to feel that's exactly the change she needs.
"Tongues, as I'm sure many would argue, aren't vital body parts."
So? Neither are, many do argue, those lumps of flesh that everyone calls "babies" after they're detached from women's bodies.
"The law doesn't allow anyone to 'scrape and snuff out' a lump of flesh that everyone calls 'babies.'"
So? The law used to not allow anyone to scrape and snuff out those lumps of flesh before they were detached from women. Then the wise guys wise men in robes found that the Penumbras and Emanations Clause™, which for over nine score years had somehow lain hidden in our Constitution just waiting for such an incomparable group of eggheads towering intellects to miraculously discover it, rendered that law an unconstitutional violation of women's privacy rights. Except they didn't go far enough. Just because a woman's body part has emanated from her, substantively it is still — albeit penumbrally — the same lump of flesh that up to the moment it's detached, yes, she can choose to have scraped and snuffed out and tossed in a dumpster. The only difference is that the change, yes, she can choose she needs, no longer involves having that lump of flesh scraped out of her first.
"Most everyone would call that murder."
So? When wise guys wise men in robes have so ordered the law that it defines those lumps of flesh as parts of women's bodies which remain such up to nine months after they become detached, it doesn't matter what most everyone calls their postpartum abortion.
Labels: 'all men are CREATED equal...', culture of death and destruction, good versus evil, Liberalism Kills

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