And for the increased tuberculosis cases too.ust for saying this, the Øfascist administration totalitarian regime dictates that I, a citizen subject, be monitored by its political-profiling goons who're Just Following Orders™ under its secret surveillance — or SS for sshort — program pogrom aimed not against real terrorists Man-Caused Disasterists® but truly law-abiding Americans.
Of course, Dissent Is Terrorism now, according to Herr Resident Ø'Berghof. So this should surprise no one.
Nor the fact that he's placed the unlawful votes and census numbers of illegal aliens over the health, safety, and even lives of every American man, woman, and child.
It's why Former Senator Øfascist and other Democriminal swine — a grave insult to the four-legged variety of swine, I know — continue to do absolutely nothing to secure our borders against invading disease carriers who haven't received any immunization shots, much less gone though any sort of required medical screening.
But don't say anything when their open-borders policy causes the death of your children.
Unless you prefer having "Present" Øfascist secretly monitor you during and long after their funerals.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), immigration deform, Impeach.Obama.Now., lethal liberalism (BIRM), Liberalism Kills, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), undocumented lawbreakers

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