It has nothing to do with "helping" them.ankruptcy is the best lifeline any domestic automaker can latch onto to protect itself from going under. Not only would a bankruptcy court reel it in then to safety, but would fend off while doing so any creditors or others circling it like sharks ready to strike.
It also means Former Senator Øfascist won't get any chance to attach his many fascist entangling strings to that automaker so yes,hecan™ ultimately bail it out fascistly take it over.
Good news for the automaker. Very bad news for "Present" Øbrownshirt and his pitiful totalitarian band:
No chance for corrupt union lobbyists, extremists, and thugs to again get B. Hitlerian Øbamussolini to corruptly award them special bonuses and kickbacks under his dictated "bailout" agreements takeover mandates.
No chance for corrupt totalitarian Øbureautyrants to fascistly micromanage run straight into the ground, with no hope other than permanent servitude, yet another private national-socialistized company government-agency field office.
But every chance for America's Big Three automakers to independently get back on their own six feet and revitalize themselves.
The Big Three — or any American industry, for that matter — so declaring their independence from the freedom-killing scourge of Øfascism is the only "terror" man-caused disaster (to him) "Present" Øfearmonger truly wants to preempt.
That's why he's so afraid of one or more of the Big Three automakers filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and, therefore, finding and receiving real hope and help.
Øfascist — just another word for miserable epic failure.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), good versus evil, miserably failing liberals (BIRM), thieving liberals (BIRM)

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