In record-breaking time, to boot.The Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen 20 percent since Inauguration Day, the fastest drop under a newly elected president in at least 90 years, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
“We are heading for total job losses of at least 7 million and an unemployment rate peaking above 10 percent.”
ou've also increased our national debt another $326 billion in just 44 days (3.07%, or annual rate of 25.47%! — over three times President Bush's yearly average of 8.08%). It took 98 days for the debt to increase this much to the level it was when you said "Hussein" at the West Front of the Capitol (an annual rate of 11.43%).
Moreover, you've inherited a language whose words you want to fundamentally transform. For examples:
“If the Republicans don’t like it, jam it down their throats!”
Øfascist fellow DemobrownshirtAlcee Hastings,
House "Rules" Tyrants Committee "Transparency" now means "not being allowed to see what we're up to" because "we're above the law" and "you better not question us, or else!" (Amy Ridenour, id. id.)
"Lobbyist," "tax cheat," "illegal employer," and "criminal aider and abettor" each means "a qualification for my cabinet-level nominees."
"Freedom of choice" means "goodbye fundamental right to a secret ballot." (Wonder if Joseph Goebbels ever thought of that one?)
"Five" means "zero."
"None" means "countless." ("Line by line" has more to do with your past cocaine use than your present and undoubtedly future signing of earmark-overdosed, tax[ our children, grandchildren, ...]-and-[special interest ]spending bills.)
"Ban all" means "allow much."
And "new era of responsibility" means absolutely nothing.
You've inherited as well your cowardly Demoracist Party's extreme racism.
Just as you inherited its membership's burning and unyielding hatred of everyone and everything who isn't as much a phony, lying, two-faced, cheating, dangerously irresponsible, backstabbing, fascist coward as each of them.
No wonder you confessed in your autobiography, "I got high [on hard drugs to] push questions of who I was out of my mind [sic]."
Looks like you permanently did so, making it clearly the only thing in your adult life at which you ever, on your own, honestly succeeded.
For the sake of our children's inheritance — namely, a free and secure nation whose people each inviolably possess, in full from the first heartbeat to the last, those most sacred liberties bestowed on him entirely by Almighty God — your maladministration doesn't need to just fail.
It must be drawn and quartered, disemboweled and its entrails burned, then all remains of that putridness utterly destroyed.
With my sincerest hope for change we need most assuredly and as soon as possible, completely and forever away from the insufferable extremism of your fascist regime, I fondly remain disloyalest-oppositionly yours,
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), lying liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), tax'n'spend liberals (BIRM), treason

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