Wednesday, March 18, 2009 |
Democrook Senate roll call vote, number 100, "On the Nomination (Confirmation Ronald Kirk, [Tax Cheat] of Texas, to be U.S. Trade Representative)" — Confirmedenatoppressors Durbin (D-UBL) and Kennedy (D-MAry Jo's Murderer) didn't vote; Byrd (KKK-WV) and Sanders (CCCP-VT) voted against confirmation.
Except for Senators Bond (R-MO), Bunning (R-KY), and Isakson (R-GA), every so-called Republican voted in favor of allowing yet another flagrant tax cheat to slink into Former Senator Øfailure's fascist totalitarian, Most.Corrupt.Ever.® maladministration.
Way to stand up for conservative principles, GOP SOP.
Had "Present" Øbungler's nomination of corrupt lobbyist Charles Freeman been allowed to reach the Senate floor, no doubt he'd be at this moment further overcrowding the Corrupter-in-Chief's petri dish of criminal slimeballs — formerly known as the White House — all thanks to you.
Labels: Impeach.Obama.Now., neither Hope nor Change, Useless Nitwits, Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks)

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