...and even more same old Øbamob Culture of Corruption®.- Trade Nominee [and Tax Cheat] Ron Kirk to Pay $10,000 in Back Taxes
- Ron Kirk, nominated as U.S. Trade Representative in the Øbama [mal]administration, owes an estimated $10,000 in back taxes from earlier in the decade.
lus an Øcannabysmal appointee who's a tax cheat in reverse and blackmailer (aka Kan.fleece Sebelius; aka Robin Hoodette) with her refusal to repay Kansas taxpayers the overpaid taxes owed them unless the state legislature gives in to her demands to let her steal those taxpayers' dollars from the richer parts of the budget and give to the poorer parts in violation of state law.
Also, it appears that Present Øbimmoral is likely "going to make another exception for lobbyists in his [mal]administration." Another, as in: on top of already-waivered (wink, wink) Tom Vilsack, William Lynn, the tax-cheating treasury secretary's chief of staff, and the Whine House's intergovernmental affairs director.
Topping all this corruption is another Øtyrant broken promise:
- [Miserable Failure] Øbama Will Sign Spending Bill Despite Earmarks
- [Present Ølyingliar] will break a campaign pledge on Monday and sign a budget bill laden with millions in lawmakers' pet projects, [mal]administration officials said.
So much for the tøtalitarian freak's—
"I want to make sure [that special-interest, vote-buying payouts known as 'earmarks'] are not done in the dark of night, that they're not done in committee." "And when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely."
Finally, as if his maladministration's schemes to waterboard every taxpayer wasn't enough, Former Senator Øtorturer's "CIA Director Leon Panetta says 'the United States will continue to engage in extraordinary rendition' [of captured terrorists]... to nations where they are imprisoned and, in some cases, reportedly tortured."
If I called any of these additional displays of widespread Barackulture of cØrruption™ "news," then I'd have to call the sun's rising in the east each morning "news" as well.
What more do Americans need before they finally wake up? A warning from God?
Surprise Asteroid Makes Near-Miss of Earth
A small asteroid buzzed by Earth Monday....
The rock, estimated to be no more than 200 feet wide, zoomed past our planet at an altitude of 40,000 miles at 1:44 p.m. universal time — or 8:44 EST....
Had 2009 DD45 hit the Earth, it would have exploded on or near the surface with the force of a large nuclear blast — not very reassuring when you consider humanity had only about three days' notice.
According to the Australian news Web site Crikey, the asteroid is likely to be drawn in by Earth's gravity, meaning it may return for many more near misses in the future.
Labels: dangerously incompetent liberals (BIRM), fascist totalitarian liberals (BIRM), lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), miserably failing liberals (BIRM), tax'n'spend liberals (BIRM), thieving liberals (BIRM)

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