Thursday, February 12, 2009 |
'Cause I ain't gettin' no job from Barackult-leader Øpiate O'The Massively Deluded™.“It’s such a blessing to see you, Mr. President. Thank you for taking time out of your day, oh, gracious God, thank you so much!”
eil Hussein!
This religious fervor for their deified Øbameinführer® should have every freedom-loving American more than a little concerned about the unquestioning fanaticism to which it has given rise, and to which those who so look to him for their worldly salvation are demanding that the rest of the population also mindlessly conform.
"The only person who got up and asked a question that challenged Mr. Obama's actions was booed," reported the New York Slimes.
Read that last sentence again.
Memorize it.
Present Øba'al holds a supposedly public rally in an American state. But of the hundreds of supposed Americans who came to (and at) it, only one of them was willing to ask him a challenging question. For doing so, this woman's supposed fellow citizens booed her — so loudly, in fact, their very mortal savior had to "quiet the crowd."
These so-called Americans were offended by a person exercising her most fundamental right as a United States citizen to question one of her supposed servants in her government about his actions that reflect negatively on his trustworthiness as such servant.
Now if that reaction concerns you, you'll no doubt be downright disturbed by the sentences preceding the one you just memorized:
"Still, the audience chanted 'Obama, Obama' when the president entered and some shouted, 'We love you.' When he opened it to questions from the floor, some sounded almost worshipful, with one declaring that he was 'very thrilled to be in the presence of you.'"
We, as a people, used to look at the rest of the world's dictatorships — both past and present — and say with confidence, "Well, that could never happen here."
Well, it is happening.
Right before our eyes.
The really challenging question is: "Do we still have enough love of our own freedoms to step up as a people and stop the losses of them we're now seeing?"
Then, will we exhibit the same requisite vigilance that has always been the right and duty of every freedom-loving American since the Founding, that confidently lets us tell posterity, "Never again"?
Labels: a Republic if we can keep it, DeMSMocrat-dictatorial complex, Kommunist Kool-Aid Kult (aka liberalism), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, more liberal intolerance, Obama 'Nation'

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