Saturday, January 10, 2009 |
"Had the governor appointed a white man like me, I wouldn't be standing in this public institution's door like (Demoracist) George Wallace keeping the black man out."here is no requirement that Illinois' secretary of state countersign the governor's appointment of African-American Senator Roland Burris (D-Durbin's Noose).
There is, however, the Constitution's requirement that the governor's appointment must be allowed before the people of Illinois can fill their vacant U.S. Senate seat by special election.
When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.

Demoracist Senate leaders Harry Reid and Dick Durbin holding up Illinois junior Senator Roland Burris' lawful appointment. "Maybe we can claim he whistled at white senatress Barbara Boxer," Reid pondered.
But according to Senator Dick "Whites-only Drinking Fountain" Durbin (D-Illinoose) and Senate Majority Lyncher Harry "Hoods'R'Good" Reid (D-Noosevada), a "recommended form" appended to a vague Senate "rule" trumps our Constitution.
That is, it does only when it involves the appointment of an African-American senator.
As's Dan Spencer reports,
Durbin also said the "Senate cannot waive a 125-year-old rule requiring the signatures of both the governor and the secretary of state on any election or appointment."
Unbelievably, Durbin made his comments after the Illinois Supreme Court ruled against the Senate Democrats. In its decision, the court found that Senate Rule II, the rule that Reid and Durbin cited as justification for the Democrat's refusal to seat Senator Burris, is merely a recommendation, not a requirement the "Senate cannot waive"....
In any event, Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White signed a separate statement on Friday certifying that Burris' appointment letter was legally filed with the state. The Illinois Supreme Court decision and Secretary of State certification aren't good enough for Reid and company.
That is, Racist and kkkompany.
Not just racist and unconstitutional, what these two racists are doing is denying the people of Illinois — 15 percent of whom are black — their right to vote in an election to permanently choose one of their own representatives in Congress.
But what's the right to choose to The Party of Racists™'s racist leaders when it comes to keeping an African-American out of their literally Exclusive All-White Club®?
One has to wonder why Durbin and his Democra[cis]tic colleagues care so much about this one Senate seat. We've seen numerous corrupt politicians come and go and the democracy has survived. So why do they want so badly to stop this one appointment of an otherwise apparently clean politician with just the vaguest whiff of corruption trailing him? Is it race — as some have suggested?
When Senator Burris tries to see Demoracist Massa-ity Leader Reid, will the Illinois senator have to come in through the Capitol's new "Colored Entrance" in the back?
Labels: lawbreaking liberals (BIRM), liberal racism, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, lying liberals (BIRM), more liberal intolerance, Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks)

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