Tuesday, January 20, 2009 |
Yeah, that's a "Change™."
eginning of an error with questions only a few in the media have any guts to ask our misleaders in Acting President Biden™'s maladministration and al-Qongress:
- Where is the money coming from?
Liberal answer: "The Rich®!"
Reality answers: Everybody — including Americans not yet born.
- What happens when only "The Rich®" pay all the taxes?
Liberal answer: "They're paying their fair share!"
Reality answers: Misery officially "Spread Around™."
- Why are Øbamaoists repeating Franklin Roosevelt's mistake of imposing so much Big Dumb Socialismbirm on the country that it destroys every incentive our economy has to find and implement smart solutions itself for a quick, real, and full recovery?
Liberal answer: "Because FDR did it!"
Reality answers: Idiots never learn.
- When are Americans going to wake up and see through this utter fraud?
Liberal answer: "Hope®-a-bye, babies, on the Change® top / When the seas sink the Climate Change® stops.... Zzzzz®"
Reality answers: When it's too late.
- Who do our Troops capture more than once on the battlefield?
Liberal answer: "One of those 234,620,897,698,743 civilians Bush killed in Iraq!"
Reality answers: Terrorist detainees released from Guantanamo Recidivism Bay.
- How much more crooked, corrupt, and incompetent does Former Senator Øbama and his
advisors masters have to show they are before the Øbamainstream Media™ start reporting that fact? Liberal answer: "It's all Bush's fault!"
Reality answers: That's the only quantity known to be larger than infinity.
- Is God answering Jeremiah "I'm Øbamarx's Pastor" Wright's prayer?
Liberal answer: "What's this 'god' of which you speak?"
Reality answers: Sure looks that way.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), DeMSMocrat-dictatorial complex, tax'n'spend liberals (BIRM), Union of Soviet-style Socialist States of America, Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks)

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