The alternative is to print so much money that a loaf of bread will cost $1,903,652.34.reaking promises that, yes, we can never keep." Except I would add to that official motto of the Biden administration: "(And making promises that, yes, we can always keep fooling enough dumb people with to get us elected.)"
If you took every penny from every American who earns* over $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $125,000, leaving them no income whatsoever, you'd raise steal a grand total of only $1.750 trillion.**
But being the "generous" liberal that you are, you're going to steal only half of their incomes. So your take is now only $875 billion.
The problem is that you've promised all the dumb people you're going to spread a whole lot more wealth around than a mere $875 billion.
What's a liberal promise-breaker (but I repeat myself) to do?
You don't have the money now.
China is losing interest in loaning us any more money. The repressive communist dictatorshipbirm is even considering suspending all future loans.
Now you're an even more panicky liberalbirm.
Do you do what your messiah Teh On(c)e™ has done and make another promise that, no, he can't ever hope to keep? "Uh..., er, well, we'll, uh, spend the, uh, money... faster. Yeah, that's it. Uh, that's, er... the ticket."
Of course that won't work because there's no such money now to spend.
Do you slit your wrist and put yourself out of our misery — the kind you want to totally "spread around"?
It's a viable option.
The only thing you're left with (pun intended) is printing lots and lots and lots of money. Even come out with a three-dollar bill and put your Teh On(c)e™'s mugshot on it.
Then we'll all have million-dollar bread and circuses filled up with brain-dead freaks like yourself that ain't worth a dime chump change.
* "Earn" means "I worked hard for it because I knew at the time I would get to keep it." The word doesn't mean, liberals, "I don't deserve it because I'm not paying my 'fair share.'"
** U.S. Labor Statistics Bureau and U.S. Census Bureau 2005 data extrapolation. Men: $300B (~$125-150K) + $300B ($150-200K) + $150B ($200-250K) + $600B ($250K+) = $1,350B (~$125+). Women: $150B (~$125-150K) + $100B ($150-200K) + $50B ($200-250K) + $100B ($250K+) = $400B (~$125+). Men + Women = $1,750B (~$125+).
Labels: lying liberals (BIRM), spread the misery around, tax'n'spend liberals (BIRM), Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks)

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