And Gandhi while they're at it.ynching black people is the traditional practice of Demoqrats. So it should surpise no one that they're bringing it back.
Nor the fact Demoqrats want to hang from a convenient tree limb the most famous civil rights leader since Frederick Douglass. No doubt were the latter still around they'd want to string him up too.

The only — if you'll pardon the expression — twist here is that they hate Hindus and Indians as much as they do black people. (Oh, and they hate African-Africans too.)
Why else would they want to have Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela dangling right left up there with Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Isn't it enough that Demoracists want to raise taxes? Do they have to literally raise minorities to that deadly type of chokehold also?
What's next? Jim Crow II? Reestablishing the Ku Klux Klan "as the 'terrorist arm of the Democratic Party'"?
Racist Demobigots.
Labels: lethal liberalism (BIRM), liberal racism, Liberalism Kills, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, more liberal intolerance

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