Thursday, November 13, 2008 |
Skies full of balloons.t's tempting to break radio silence, transmit the speed and direction of each one, and fire off a short burst just to hear it go Pop!
That's precisely the reason they're up there.
But why give away our position and strength too early and allow the enemy to organize and prepare a devastating return fire on something other than his own saliva-encrusted foot?
Let him hobble towards 20 January, releasing all along the way his pretty red balloons into a surprisingly lead-free sky.
Save up each of those rounds for the very same targets that, by I-Day, are going to be cluttering the sky.
Meanwhile, there won't be any shot-down ones littering the ground for him to sidestep.
He won't know if his path isn't allowing him to seek out and take up the best position for his pulling the triggers on that arsenal of sniper rifles, shotguns, and even artillery he'd like nothing better than to ready, aim and fire at each of our high-ranking constitutional liberties.
After he has obligingly set up for us that very target-rich environment, and his uncertainty has created much dissention within his own ranks, then we'll open up on them and pin him down.
The bursts will be so loud it'd be a miracle if anyone in the middle of that cacophony can hear those beside him observing, "Looks like the liberals' chickens are coming home to roost."
Finally, if the enemy correctly decides it's not so wise to release his whether balloons, we'll send ones up for him. For examples:
Obama to pardon then appoint terrorist Ayers assistant education secretary?
Obama plans 'special amnesty' for illegal-alien aunt?
Obama still discussing secret invasion of Pakistan?
Obama's 'Terrorists Bill of Rights' puts jurors' lives in jeopardy, experts say.
Obama's deadly dictate to states: 'Declare open season and no bag limit on unborn babies... or else.'
He'll be so busy trying to pop all those with his lying "No, I won't's" and "That was totally taken out of context's" he won't have any more time or rounds to devote to his cowardly and misogynic Kick A Woman After She's Down™ diversionary attack.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), lying liberals (BIRM), megalomaniacal liberals (BIRM), Obama 'Nation', undocumented lawbreakers, World War IV

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