His "Everybody In (or Else!)" total-Big Government paid for run "health" "care" "system" is just more of the same old tired worn-out All Government, All the Time™ nanny-state Socialism, with everybody's lives literally in its incompetently bureaucrapic hands.n June 30, 2003, while a minor member of a state legislature, junior one-term-only Senator Government stood before his state's AFL-CIO and attested,
I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program. I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent — 14 percent of its Gross National Product on health care cannot provide basic health insurance to everybody. And that's what Jim is talking about when he says everybody in, nobody out. A single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that's what I'd like to see. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately. Because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate, and we have to take back the House.
Take back House and Senate:
check. Take back White House too: checkmate the American people.
That is, Enforced Government-Only "Health" "Care" — Pay or Die:
Obama has publicly stated:
"I would fine parents if for some reason they refused [to sign over all their kids' medical 'care' to his Big Government]. I am happy to be very clear on how we would enforce the mandate."...
What Obama is saying is that... people who don't purchase health insurance [through his Big Government-only 'system' dictatorship] but require medical care will be confronted with a choice: pay back premiums, or forgo medical care.
Forgo medical care = Die, you anti-Socialist peasants!
June 30, 2003, it turns out, is the very same day Jr. 1-term-only Sen. Govt. also was raking in tens of thousands of dollars from numerous cronies of the indicted and convicted wire fraudster, mail fraudster, corrupt solicitor, and money launderer slumlord Tony Rezko — who's sole Hope & Change® now is an anxiously anticipated Obama Pardon™.
Namely, Rezko-bail poster Abdalla Mustafa$1,000, lobbyist Anthony Abboud$500, kitchen designer Steven Abruzzo$1,000, unindicted co-conspirator Joseph Aramanda$500, convicted tax cheat and Rezko conspirator Ali Ata$5,000, Nebraskan pharmacist and cattle-poisoning victim James Barta$2,000, Rezko projects investor and Illinois Housing Authority appointee Velma Butler$1,000, Witness Protection Program future client Joseph Cacciatore$1,000, Rezko-recommended Illinois Teachers Retirement System board appointee Jack Carriglio$1,000, Rezko Concessions director Al Chaib$5,000, Rezko Concessions spokesman Guy Chipparoni$2,000, Rezko projects investor Vincent Di Benedetto$10,000, physician Mandan Farahati$2,000, Rezko lawyer David Gustman's wife Lisa Gustman$1,000, Rezko-extorted Illinois Housing Development Authority director Kelly King Dibble$250, Rezko projects investor Vincent Di Benedetto's fellow Innovative Group member Kathy Lannen$2,500, Rezko Enterprises investor Michel Malek$10,000, Subway Restaurants developer Philip Mesi$2,000, Victimhood Inc.™ $10-million-suer Suheil Nammari$2,000, Resko-recommended Illinois Finance Authority appointee and American Task Force on Palestine secretary treasurer Talat Othman$1,000, "Suicide" Watch® client Martello Pollock$1,000, Rezko partner in crime Paul Ray$3,000, Rezko sugar daddy Semir Sirazi$2,000, "Arts Enterprises Inc";)'s Jacqueline Smith$1,000, Rezko attorney and part-time Obamas next-door neighbor Michael Sreenan$2,000, Rezko Enterprise Racket manager Deloris Wade (d. Jan. 23, 2004)$1,000, Rezko's teacher-pension schemer Michael Winter$3,000, and homemaker (and relative of Rezko partner U.S. Equities chairman Robert Wislow?) Susan Wislow$2,000.
Nice bunch there that's also headed to the White House if junior one-term-only Senator Government checkmates the American people next week.
Unless we checkmate him and his Rezko cronies by sending a true national hero and champion for smaller government to the White House, John McCain:
- The candidates' health care plans offer some of the starkest differences of the race for the presidency....
McCain's plan aims to make people less dependent on their employers for health insurance, using deregulation and tax breaks so people could buy their own insurance....
The current system grew because government decided not to tax employees' health benefits. McCain would remove that exemption, but offer a tax rebate — $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families. The tax credit to individuals would offset the extra income tax on all but the most expensive insurance plans, McCain says.
People who don't have health insurance would get the tax credit if they buy insurance themselves....
To make insurance more affordable, McCain would allow anyone to buy insurance from a company in any state — something that's illegal now....
Obama[ndates]'s plan requires large employers... to provide health insurance or pay an extra payroll tax. Revenue from that tax would help pay for a national plan from which the uninsured could buy coverage.
Insurance companies wouldn't be allowed to deny coverage to anyone based on a pre-existing condition under Obama[ndates]'s plan. [In other words, insurance companies would be forced to go out of business. Yeah, good "plan."]...
[T]he Obama[ndates] plan includes a requirement that parents insure children — the campaign hasn't said how it would enforce that. [Here's a hint: Your kids get Big Government "insurance" or your kids get denied medical care dead. Your "choice."]
Most experts agree McCain's plan is less expensive [because it's not Total Big Gobamament Everybody-In-Or-Else™]....
Less government involvement and more government regulation both routinely get greater than 50 percent support [in polls, because:]
We the People always reject such Obamandates. We always choose our having a Real Choice™.
Clearly the only one offering us that real choice this election is John McCain.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), elitist despot liberals (BIRM), lying liberals (BIRM), tax'n'spend liberals (BIRM), Union of Soviet-style Socialist States of America

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