He hates Americans in the mainstream opposing his extremist views.ore than between two major party candidates, next month's presidential election is really a set of referendums on each candidate's committed positions, his display of character, and his stated views. Every individual voter chooses which of those measures she wants to see officially enacted and which ones she doesn't, then looks at how well her choices match up with a particular candidate's choices. The greater the match the more likely she'll vote for that candidate.
After comparing the choices I made on the Barack Obama Test with the same ones made publicly by the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate, and seeing how opposed his own are to mainstream Americans' — often extremely so — on all but one of the 50 questioned measures, the above observations congealed. And the more I looked into just how substantively opposed his choices are to practically all of ours, the closer those observations hit home with me.
So what if, after entering the voting booth, rather than simply picking one name from a single list of candidates, it were possible to also have on the same ballot places for punching or touching "yes" or "no" to each such referendum question?
Putting the B.O. Test measures in referendum form, but showing instead which of the two candidates there — mainstream Americans or one-term junior Liberal Socialist Dhimmiqrat Senator Bamarx Husstalin Obamao — wants to see them officially enacted, much of our general election ballot might look as follows right before being cast:
Official Ballot General Election United States of America Tuesday, November 4, 2008 |
For NO to higher taxes on oil and natural gas: | X | American people (60.9%; 3.7% not sure) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to oil and natural gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, even if achieving its potential benefit takes years: | X | American people (54.1%; 9.6% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to increased oil and natural gas drilling offshore: | X | American people (73%) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to sweeping environmental regulations that raise cost of gas, groceries, heating, and air conditioning: | X | American people (49.1%; 18.4% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to eliminating the tariff on ethanol imports from Brazil and other producing countries: | X | American people (61.9%; 8.0% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to generating as much domestic energy as possible from nuclear power: | X | American people (58.6%; 22.5% "at least some"; 6.2% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to making development of new energy sources a more important priority than protecting the environment: | X | American people (60%) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to increasing the tax rate on stock holders' returns, from 15% to nearly 40%: | X | American people (65.9%; 8.5% no response) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to increasing the death tax rate to 55% on any income above $1 million: | X | American people (52.6%; 10.4% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to increasing the tax rate on self-employment earnings, from 37.9% to 54.9%: | X | American people (84.5%; 5% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to increasing the tax rate on nearly four million American small businesses, from 35% to 50.3%: | X | American people (85.4%; 5.9% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to increasing the tax rate to higher than 35% on Americans' earnings above $1 million: | X | American people (51.7%; 15.1% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to increasing the tax rate to higher than 35% on Americans' lottery winnings above $1 million: | X | American people (67.5%; 10% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to setting the fairest combined rate of income taxes and social security withholdings at 28% (maximum): | X | American people (48.5%; 27.7% "at 38%") | | Barack Obama |
For NO to both a four-year $900 billion increase in federal spending and a ten-year $3.3 trillion increase in national debt: | X | American people (50.8%; 13.4% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to forcing 60% of American citizens to pay all the taxes, while turning the other 40% into freeloaders: | X | American people (47.3%; 15.2% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to a tax system under which American businesses would most likely increase their products' prices: | X | American people (55.5%; 19.9% "lay off their employees"; 3.3% "reduce their employees' pay") | | Barack Obama |
For NO to a tax system that would make the average American worse off: | X | American people (51.8%; 12.5% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to vigorously enforcing laws prohibiting convicted felons and non-US citizens from voting: | X | American people (70.1%; 8.9% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to any litigation against any lawful American firearms manufacturer based on anyone's unlawful use of any of its products: | X | American people (76.2%; 3.4% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to issuing firearms permits to residents who pass background checks, take safety courses, and pay administrative fees: | X | American people (77.6%; 7.6% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to better enforcement of all current firearms laws rather than enacting more and more such laws: | X | American people (60%; 4.9% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to banning handguns: | X | American people (59%; 5% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to banning almost all common hunting- and sporting-rifle ammunition: | X | American people (77.1%; 13.5% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to Americans' right to use deadly force to defend themselves in their own homes without being required to retreat first: | X | American people (87.7%; 4.4% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to 500% increase in taxes on firearms and ammunition: | X | American people (54.2%; 6% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to forbidding government from stepping in and trying to control or do things that are best left to individuals and businesses to control or do by and for themselves: | X | American people (49%; 8% no opinion) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to requiring court warrants to officially search or seize, on American soil, foreigners officially suspected of having terrorist ties: | X | American people (56.1%; 2.0% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to affording foreigners officially suspected of having terrorist ties the same Constitutional rights as U.S. citizens: | X | American people (64.0%; 5.7% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to our negotiating with terrorist-sponsoring dictatorships without preconditions: | X | American people (62.5%; 16.5% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to a gradual withdrawal, over a period longer than one and a half years, of U.S. Troops from a more safe and stable Iraq: | X | American people (51.3%; 5.2% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to higher taxes and 1930s-era trade barriers which together would worsen America's economy: | X | American people (49.8%; 16.1% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to a $65 billion taxpayer-funded universal health coverage plan that also insures illegal aliens: | X | American people (59.9%; 5.0% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to protecting the inalienable rights of survivors of attempted abortions: | X | American people (67.8%; 14.5% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to elective abortions intended to kill fetuses whose sex happens to be not the one of choice: | X | American people (82.2%; 5.5% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to requiring that a doctor inform parents before examining or sedating their minor daughter, performing any surgery on or inserting any object or injecting any medication into her reproductive organs, or otherwise injecting her with or prescribing her any drug: | X | American people (77%; 3.4% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to declaring that abortion is essentially manslaughter: | X | American people (51.5%; 8.7% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to declaring that a baby's life begins when he or she is conceived: | X | American people (58.9%; 16.9% "is able to survive outside womb"; 17.2% "is actually born") | | Barack Obama |
For YES to declaring that moral values exceed material concerns in importance to Americans' daily lives: | X | American people (88%; 15.9% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to stripping American society and laws of all Judeo-Christian based values: | X | American people (44.4%; 15.3% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to making abortion illegal with few exceptions: | X | American people (40%; 13% "many exceptions"; 10% "no exceptions"; 6% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to making abortion illegal when performed during the last few months of pregnancy: | X | American people (66%; 5% NS) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to forbidding our laws from recognizing any marriage other than that between a man and a woman: | X | American people (58.3%; 5.4% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to requiring that the President of the United States, for legal and judicial purposes, clearly state the exact point at which an American's life begins (conception, birth, or a point in between): | X | American people (55.3%; 17% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to prohibiting government agencies from giving preferential treatment to any individual or group of individuals because of his, her, or their race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin: | X | American people (53.6%; 6.8% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to personally taking action to financially help one's own step brother if he is living in a slum and making only $300 a year: | X | American people (83.8%; 9.7% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For NO to dictatorially trying to nullify and void every federal and state restriction on abortions, including late-term abortions: | X | American people (53.9%; 7.6% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to declaring that the U.S. Supreme Court, on balance, is neither too liberal nor too conservative: | X | American people (43%; 21% "is too liberal"; 5.0% no opinion) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to making it illegal for convicts on probation or on bail to have contact with a street gang: | X | American people (81.7%; 5.9% NR) | | Barack Obama |
For YES to protecting every worker's right to cast a secret ballot in any election to decide whether or not to form a union: | X | American people (78%; 6.6% NR) | | Barack Obama |
Any candidate who opposes the American people 98 percent of the time on such basic and vital issues can do nothing in office but miserably fail since none of us who love and cherish our personal liberties — that is, the vast majority of all Americans — will ever choose to stand idly by and let him enact what his choice of measures so substantially represent: an extreme change we never need.
Labels: aided and comforted enemies, anti-America liberals (BIRM), culture of death and destruction, gun-grabbing ghouls, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, tax'n'spend liberals (BIRM)

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