Wednesday, October 01, 2008 |
Which part of "all" do you "adult" Senators not understand?uy or seize mortgage assets. Sell mortgage assets. Put money from sales of mortgage assets in general fund so corrupt Demoqrats can get their grubby hands on it and dole it out in the form of "assistance" to numerous "hurting homeowners" welfare recipients and a plethora of shady "non"partisan special interest groups in order to create and raise, in essence, a "publicly"-funded bloc and army of very grateful and supportive Demoqrat voters and campaign workers, respectively.
If that isn't a bill for raising revenue for very clearly generalized purposes, I don't know what is.
But corrupt Demoqrats (but I repeat myself), always on the lookout for a way to beat some rap or another pending against them, think feel they've found a loophole — albeit an extremely tiny and flimsy, and what nonetheless reasonably should be held a blatantly unconstitutional one:
Hastily cut and paste a random House-passed bill, namely H.R. 1424, so everything in it's replaced by the above revenue raising and general funding of such generously corrupt Demoqratbirm vote buying and campaign spending.
That way the bill, whose original and intended primary subject is — appropriately enough — "provision of mental health and substance-related disorder benefits," looks only superficially like it "originated in the House." (Leave it to corrupt Demoqratsbirm to turn an obscure mental health parity measure into the biggest socialist power grab in human history.)
This the corrupt Demoqratsbirm in "our" Senate plan to do a few short hours from now.
The only ones standing in their way — the only ones with the power to stop them from so disrespectfully violating and abusively shredding our Constitution — are We the People.
Call those employees you hired and are paying to serve only you in your Senate, so they can find out what their sole bosses want and expect them to actually do instead for all our sakes.
Senate switchboard: 202-224-3121
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), government over beyond and forsaking the people, Unabashed Sellouts of America, Union of Soviet-style Socialist States of America, Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks)

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