Sunday, September 28, 2008 |
A "change" no none can live with — much less in — is- what Barack Obama did to Illinois taxpayers as a state senator in Springfield. Using his elected office and his clout, Obama helped Tony Rezko and other unscrupulous low-income housing developers obtain millions of dollars in state grants, tax credits, low-interest loans, and regulatory advantages.
Taxpayers had no serious chance of recouping these "investments" in Rezko and other developers. And many beneficiaries went one step farther, depriving the public of even the benefits they could have gotten. These developers took government help to build low-income housing, and then let their buildings deteriorate into uninhabitable slums.
f course, if you're a FOOl (Friend-Of-Obuma lobbyist/leech/lackey/etc.), he'll make sure you get plenty of taxpayer-funded help enrichment.
- In 1998, [Obuma] wrote letters to state and city officials requesting $14 million for a project developed by Tony Rezko and another close Obama friend — the politician's old law-firm boss, Allison Davis.
In case you're wondering "just how closely Obama was, and still is, tied to the slum-lord world":
- He's taken contributions from its big players and pushed legislation favorable to them. His closest ally in that sphere has been Rezko, who raised $250,000 for Obama's campaigns before being convicted on unrelated corruption charges earlier this year.
Corrupt slum-lord convict. Another FOOl taking taxpayers for fools.
Despite all this cheap and free taxpayer money, all of Rezko's 30 buildings eventually ran into financial difficulties. As of 2007, 17 had gone into foreclosure. Six were boarded up and abandoned.
And their residents became homeless. Thanks, FOOl.
- During the winter of 1997, Rezmar claimed it lacked the funds to heat a 31-unit building in Englewood on the south side of Chicago — one of eleven Rezmar buildings in Obama's state-senate district. Tenants there went without heat from late December 1996 through mid-February 1997. Despite his company's financial hardship, Rezko signed a $1,000 check for the campaign fund of the newly elected state senator Barack Obama on January 14, 1997.
"You soon-to-be homeless people freeze. I've got to write a big FOOl check to grease the palm of my state senate bagman Baradickal Obuma."
When Barack Obama talks about risky real-estate investments and failures of government oversight, remember how he put Illinois taxpayers on the hook for some of the worst real-estate investments of all — investments in his close friend and in other slum landlords who took the public's money and betrayed their trust.
That's not change. That's just more of the same.

Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), government over beyond and forsaking the people, lying liberals (BIRM), megalomaniacal liberals (BIRM), narcissist liberals (BIRM), tax'n'spend liberals (BIRM)

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