Saturday, September 27, 2008 |
Not one penny of our hard-earned taxed money for any of his corrupt, crime-ridden lobbyists and special interests.orget "presidential politics." How about injecting a huge, lethal dose of potassium chloride into the bailout process Pork Barrel Spending for Obusha’s Lying Greedy Cronies & Crooks™ feeding frenzy?
- Democrats [aka Communists] in Congress have learned nothing from this financial collapse. They still want to game the market to pick winners and losers by funding programs for unqualified and marginally-qualified borrowers to buy houses they may not be able to afford — and that's the innocent explanation for this [Dealocrat Stealin’ator Chris “Top FannieMae Donee” Dodd "profits"-percentage] clause.
The[ir] real purpose... is to send more funds to La Raza [Council of "The Race Racists"] and ACORN [Assoc. of CommuniSty OrgObamanization$ for "Reform" Refraud Now; or “Extortion & Bribery Racket” for short] through housing welfare [aka, Demoqrats Qommunists buying votes using our money], via the slush fund of the HTF [Housing “Trust” Fund; or simply Teh Racket®]. They want to float their political efforts on behalf of Democrats with public money, which was always the purpose behind the HTF. They did the same thing in April in the first bailout bill, setting aside $100 million in "counseling" that went in large part to [fr]A[ud]CORN and La Raza, and at least in the former case, providing taxpayer funding for a group facing criminal charges in more than a dozen states for fraud.
Rather than a legitimate bailout, this package is sounding more and more like an illegal "public"-finance contribution to the Obusha campaign.
Wake up, Mr. & Mrs. America.
You're literally being robbed at gunpoint by this brutal gang of home-invading DemØbamarat criminals.
Fight back and help rid our streets of Thugbama's communiSty organized gang before its hoodlum members go on another roving, economically murderous crime spree.
Yes, we can and must change the Obusha-controlled House and Senate if we want to take back our country from his pack of thieves. That's the only way we'll ever be able to again have real hope for all our futures and those of our children.
“A few disillusioned ACORN organizers admit that honesty was never a high priority in the organization.” |
– NLPC’s Union Corruption Update |
Label: "What a surprise" —In 1995, then GOP Gov. Jim Edgar refused to implement the federal “Motor Voter” law. Allowing voters to register using only a postcard and blocking the state from culling voter rolls, he argued, could invite fraud. Mr. [Baradickal Hussein] Obama sued on behalf of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, and won. Acorn later invited Mr. Obama to help train its staff [in communistapo tactics]; Mr. Obama would also sit on the board of the [terrorist Bill Ayers’] Woods Fund for Chicago, which frequently gave this group grants. Acorn’s efforts to register voters have been scandal-prone. St. Louis, Mo., officials found that in 2006 over 1,000 addresses listed on its registrations didn’t exist. “We met twice with Acorn before their drive, but our requests completely fell by the wayside,” said Democrat Matt Potter, the city’s deputy elections director. Later, federal authorities indicted eight of the group’s local workers. One of the eight pleaded guilty last month. In Seattle, local officials invalidated 1,762 Acorn registrations. Felony charges were filed against seven of its workers, some of whom have criminal records. Prosecutors say Acorn’s oversight of its workers was virtually nonexistent. To avoid prosecution, Acorn agreed to pay $25,000 in restitution. Despite this record — and polls that show clear majorities of blacks and Hispanics back voter ID laws — Mr. Obama continues to back Acorn. |
Labels: elitist despot liberals (BIRM), lying liberals (BIRM), megalomaniacal liberals (BIRM), tax'n'spend liberals (BIRM), Union of Soviet-style Socialist States of America

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