Wednesday, September 24, 2008 |
Sen. Busharack OBushama probably thought felt all these warnings about his beloved Fannie Mae were just "distractions":- President Bush publicly called for GSE reform 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted.
Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded
y Freshman Junior Senator Obushama and his fellow Demoqrats al-Qommunists.
Same goes for the three major warnings President Bush gave Sen. Øbuma & Co(mrades). between 2005 and 2007 — i.e., during Obambi's Watch™.
Twenty warnings. Twenty times Jr. Sen. OdumbO and his do-nothing Demoqrat qolleagues said, "No Change! Let's Hope for More of the Same!1!!`!"
Corruption we can believe Obama bin Biden are up to their necks in.™
Labels: Deranged Extremist Moonbat Obdurate Craven Retarded Appeasing Traitorous Slime (DEMOCRATS), Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks)

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