Monday, September 01, 2008 |
Led by their former chair"man" and those hate-filled bloated jackasses "on their side."ur Obamessiah, Who art campaigning
“Hallowed by Thy name
“Thy election come
“Thy polls rebound
“In red as they may (we Hope™) in blue states
“Give us this day a hurricane (preferably deadliest Category Five)
“And ruin the R’s convention
“As we tried to ruin Bush with Katrina
“And lead our party to victory
“But deliver Gustav to N’Orleans (just in case)
“For Thine is the election
“And the power (just for us), and the power (just for us), and the power (just for us), and the power (just for— Huh? Oh, er, sorry...), and the tax hikes
“For ever and ever
Please, Lord, forgive these cold heartless uncaring selfish small-minded power-lusting liberals (but I repeat myself), for they do not know how to use even what little brains You gave them to ever even begin to realize just how much real harm they do and are "praying" be done to others.
But most of all, please watch over, comfort, and protect all Your children affected by Hurricane Gustav, Hanna, or any of the others we've seen or will see this season.
Labels: godless liberals (BIRM), liberals unhinged, megalomaniacal liberals (BIRM), more liberal intolerance, narcissist liberals (BIRM)

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