Tuesday, September 23, 2008 |
Whether about government-backed mortgages or China's "emerging market," no truer words were ever spoken.hile we're waiting on Freshman Junior Senator zer-O'bagman for Fredd/Fannie MacMae's parachuting fat cat CEOs (aka his campaign's meltdown's "advisors"/donors) to stop his waiting on someone else to come up with enough fluffy text regarding Teh Crisis™ to fill more than a couple of scroll-throughs on his empty pointy skull's surgically attached teleprompter, I suggest we petition Congress to pass a law requiring that every House and Senate Demoqrat Qommunist, before he/she/other may ever again say anything at all about said Crisis™, have this post's title permanently tattooed across their sloping foreheads so every time any alleged "reporter" gets ready to ask any of them yet another softball "question" right after they've invariably proffered more of the same denial of their own direct responsibility right after blaming everyone and everything else for Teh Crisis™, said "reporter" might read for the very first time in his/her/other socialist-indoctrinated life that bedrock principle of free markets, slip up, and ask his/her/other fellow said Demoqrat Qommunist the following instead:
Senator (or "Representative"), do you think feel the cause of this Crisis™ may have something to do with you and your fellow lawmakers forcing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make "loan" after unrepayable "loan" to people with low incomes who, by defintion, don't have any money to pay back such loans?
At the very least Senator Dodd should be forced to recuse himself from ever participating in — much less chairing — any hearings on the Fredd/Fannie MacMae bailout, since
- Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), chairman of the Senate banking committee, has received the most from Fannie and Freddie's PACs and employees ($133,900 since 1989).
Top Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008Rank | Name | Office | Party/State | Total |
1. | Dodd, Christopher J | Senator | D-CT | $133,900 |
2. | Kerry, John | Senator | D-MA | $111,000 |
3. | Obama, Barack | Senat0r | D-IL | $105,849 |
4. | Clinton, Hillary | Senator | D-NY | $75,550 |
Nothing sounds like
more of the same Washington-insider corruption, lobbyist kickbacks, special-interest favors, and outright bribes, more than those four out-of-touch crooks.
“Yes, we can hope that in the future someone will change my diapers the moment when we must smell how filled they are with more of the same stuff we can believe is in them.
“Then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment the rise of that ocean began to slow and my planet-sized rash began to heal.”
Labels: agenda driven mainstream media (BIRM), lying liberals (BIRM), Unabashed Sellouts of America, Union of Soviet-style Socialist States of America, Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks)

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