Friday, September 26, 2008 |
Stand up and fight for us. We've got your backs.reshman Junior Senator OBusha and his comrade Democommunist Party members control al-Qongress. They and President George Bush, with whom they're butt nakedly in bed now, have the dictatorial power to enact by themselves any "plan" they like for ramming down our throats the biggest big-government takeover of America's free market system since our all but forgotten Constitution established this Republic.
They don't need to plant America-loving Republicans' fingerprints on or near any part of that bloody crime scene.
The plan we need is a total tax holiday on all corporate income and capital gains so the best of our free market can be left totally free to fix and recover from the crisis themselves without anymore failed big-government socialistic meddling or other overburdensome control, the total disbandment of Fannie Mae and other so-called Government Sponsored "Enterprises" so another such crisis caused by the Demoqrat cronies running them can't ever occur again, a restrengthening of our currency so the rest of our economy will have the strongest and securest foundation possible on which to weather this crisis, and a vastly stepped up private-sector thrust to responsibly explore and extract our domestic energy resources wherever without exception they may exist so our country will have the largest possible independent supply of fuel which her economy and the lives of her citizens need to not only make it through the crisis but come out stronger when and long after it's been fixed.
That's a plan we can believe in. A plan we would actually trust.
Labels: a Republic if we can keep it, Deranged Extremist Moonbat Obdurate Craven Retarded Appeasing Traitorous Slime (DEMOCRATS), Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks)

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