Saturday, August 16, 2008 |
Her Nibs' voters + What's left of MqBackstabber's = Election win!!1!!!ON!!Eot only would this presidential ticket constitute the ultimate anti-Obama strategy, it would ultimately complete the unbroken pedigree of MqQain-Finkgold, MqQain-Lieber(al)man, MqQain-Qennedy, MqQain-Schmoozer, MqQain-ACLU, MqQain-$oros, MqQain-Edwarts, and MqQain-Just About Every Extremely Liberal Democommierat You Can Name.
Think of the campaign ad!
This election there's only
one candidateWho reaches across the aisle
Who works together with both Demoqrats and Re[INO]blican['t]s
Who wants to Close Gitmo
Give lawbreaking invaders Undocumented ["]Immigrants["] amnesty Love and Compassion
and Save Teh Planet™ too!
Who supports Gay Marriage Ceremonies
Who stands up to conservatives and Christians as often as his [Demoqrat] friends do
He's a Demoqrat
a Republiqan
an Independent
a Foreign-born Worker
(just like Undocumented ["]Immigrants["] are)
and a Pleaser of All Teh People All Teh Time
(excluding, of course, those unimportant Christians and conservatives)
I'm Juan MqQain and I approve of practically every Demoqrat message.
Think of seeing the following over and over on the campaign trail!

One of "My Dear Friends"
Think of the extremely glowing editorial in the New York Slimes!!1!
But most of all, think of Teh Cheeeeeeeeldrrun®.
Labels: Dump MqQain (before he again dumps on us)

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