Wednesday, August 06, 2008 |
What other explanation is there?inny Peliesi promised two years ago she had a "plan" to lower gasoline prices For The Children®. Since then, gasoline has gone up over another buck a gallon. Good Plan™.
She's all in favor of putting our nation's children and other citizens at risk by siphoning off our wartime emergency reserves intended solely for our Troops' vehicles and generators. But she won't allow our own oil companies to drill inside our own territory for a supply hundreds of times larger than that mere thirty-day one. Good Plan™.
If we were similarly in need of water she'd no doubt tell our well diggers, "You already have 10 acres in Death Valley to look for water. Why do you need any more leases elsewhere to look for it?" Good Plan™.
On the other hand, if her goal is to increase the time her and Senate misleader Rarely Heed (We the People)'s Demoqrat plantations spend in Unpopularest. Qongress. Evah. territory, then she shouldn't be the least surprised when our top goal on November 4th becomes throw the bums who're so harming us out of it and replace them all with true representatives of the people. That is, a Good Plan™.
So what's her answer to our repeated petitions that Qongress immediately do something — anything — to lower extremely high gas prices? It's, "We abandon you to your fate, Americans. We're outta here! Mwhahahah wahahah!" (That and blame someone else for her own Do-Nothing Qongress®.)
Good Plan™.
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), government over beyond and forsaking the people

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