While Demoqrat members of al-Qongress hold their knives to our throats....o doubt our Demoqrat masters find sadistic pleasure in torturing us with high gas prices, as they do nothing but sit back and wait for more of our oil wells to dry up.
Shirker of the House Nutty Pelooni, meanwhile, is flying around in her carbon-polluting jet pimping her worthless book paper product — yeah, way to Save the Planet® there, Nut — because she couldn't care less about, you know, actually working to Save the Country™. Apparently for her, a womyn's work is always done except when it's only her self-serving self she's working for.
Now a Senate-member team of hostage negotiators is trying to bargain for America's release from her Demoqrat LiberalNation Front. This team is prepared to make us meet practically all her demands: Billions in taxpayers' money for her Sacred Solar Panels and Worshiped Windmill Farms; billions more for her Exalted Ethanol Fuels; subsidies and credits for her Holy Hybrid Cars; mandatory increases in her Consecrated CAFE Standards.
But it isn't enough for Teh Most Powerful Egotistical Womin in Amerika®. She still wants to be able to slit our economic throats too — to get us to agree to her own version of a Hizbollah Exchange™.
She gets everything she wants. We get a decomposed corpse.
So we go on paying that hundred$-a-year Pelousy Premium at the pump while we derive smaller cashflows from our paychecks and wait for the windbags in Washington to give a damn about anyone or anything other than themselves or their power.
Greedster of the House Pinheadi should title her next book, Know Our Power, A Message to America's Dopes (D.C.: al-Qongress Inq., 2008 1429).
Labels: anti-America liberals (BIRM), elitist despot liberals (BIRM), megalomaniacal liberals (BIRM), narcissist liberals (BIRM), Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks)

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