…if they want to "beat Coulterism," so suggest Johns Hopkins University's Samuel A. Chambers and Swansea University's Alan Finlayson. (Sweetness & Light via Chairman Ann)ut there are a few questions that need to be answered before they dirty themselves in their grotesquely mistaken desperate cause without end based on lies and deception not in our name.1
Being the generous sort, ever willing to hand liberals a really good shovel any time they set out on such digging projects, I'm offering to help them with those answers:
- Of what elements are Coulterist constituencies composed?
Buyers and actual readers of books. Known in the private sector as "the employed." (Or in Liberalese, "Christofascist, racist, misogynist, homophobic hayseeds.")
By what appeals, tropes and interests are they bound together?
Respectively life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (If you were playing the Social Security $25,000,000,000,000 Pyramid game scheme, they'd be within the category of "Things Liberals Deem Obsolete.")
In what way does Coulterism seek to reconfigure the dimensions of political space?
Knock out the den wall and add a large family room with fireplace and new master bedroom complete with walk-in closet and bath. (In $2.5×1013 Pyramid [Scheme], it's a legal clue for the box "Try Doing That Under the Heavily-Policed Limits of Liberalism.")
Where might these dimensions be expanded?
Large kennel in the backyard for incessantly barking moonbat liberalsbirm? (Just a suggestion.)
How might these appeals be turned against it?
"That baby inside you, it doesn't need to live." — OK, not nuanced enough. — Against Coulterism Turner #2: "Give me liberty and give my fetus death!" — What? Oh, all right. — ACT #3: "Abort It... For The Children®" (Yeah, I thought you'd like it.)
How might the constituencies be broken up and reordered?
Re-education camps, of course. (That's the Liberal Way™.)
Labels: clue-challenged liberals (BIRM), liberalism: THE ideology of hate, robed masters in training, Victimhood Inc.

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