Cause of far more widespread and lasting damage than any corruption.inny Pigheadi is telling Americans, "You'll drill for oil over my dead body."
Churlie Schumormonger is telling Californians, "I've got insider information, and I feel all of you should be making runs on your banks."
B. Hamas-endorsed Okumbaya is telling Islamic Jihadic of Iran's genocidal mahdists, "Don't worry, I'm not ever going to make a demand that you stop building nuclear weapons before we've had a chance to talk and talk and talk... and talk and talk about your grievances."
District of Crumbumia officials tyrannical rulers are telling law-abiding D.C. gun owners, "We don't care what the Supreme Court ordered us to do. We're saying even your slingshots are 'machine guns' too!"
Gavin Gruesome and his Suitcase-Nuke Border-Free Zone gang are telling law-abiding San Fratricide Co residents prey subjects, "We don't care how many of your brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons, or daughters are murdered by illegal aliens.† We're going to keep giving them sanctuary being their accessories before the fact so, yes, we can keep getting their appreciative relatives' votes."
Dennis the Kookmenace is telling Madam ProSyria, "Thanks for setting aside all that less important business like gas and Iran and World War and criminal sanctuaries so, yes, you and I can force the D-ring Circus House to bring up impeachment against Eeeevil BusHitler McChimpy Eeeeeeeevviiilll hOILiburt^%$&, )n))99 s& - fatal error-- -- REBOOT...."
DNC Spokespersons Couric, Williams, and Goebbels Gibson are telling their smaller and smaller audiences, "Yes, we can even go halfway around the world to cover propagandize for Our Chosen One™ and still feel hope you're too stupid to notice we 'forgot' to pack that bristleless toothbrush known as our professional ethics."
Last but certainly not least, Juanita Panama MqQain is telling an aztlán'l council of racists, "Don't worry about my tough-sounding 'secure the borders first' talk, because that's all any of it is ever going to turn out to be — just talk."
Whether it's Ms. Demoqrat Stinker of the Do-Nothing House, Mr. Demoqrat Senile Senatattler of Nut Yack, Mr. St. Demoqrat Backbench Freshman Junior Senappeaser of Ill Noise, Mr/s. Comrade Demoqrat Commissar of the Disarming of Columbia's Law-Abiding Citizens Only, Mme. Demoqrat Maydayer of Sanctuary For any criminals RIco, Mr. Demoqrat Reprehensitive of Ohio Omicron Ceti III, Mr/s. H/Fr. Demoqrat Journagandist En El Tanque Séptico para Im Faulbehälter für Obombaster the VIII- to X-year-term POTUS, or Ms. Srta. DelMéxiqrat Backstabber Señor Señátoady of AZtlán, they all have one thing in common.
They're telling you and yours that securing their exclusive entitlement to all real Power in this nation world is infinitely more important to them than either you or any of your freedoms ever will or could be.
But, yes, you can call them "Communists" "Demoqrats" for short.
†How nativist, protectionist, isolationist, anti-gang, bitter, clingy, antipathic, anti-(unlawful )immigrant, xenophobic, racist, bigoted, anti-murder, stereotyping, immulticultural, scapegoating, anti-amnesty, medieval, inhumane, reichwinger, anti-CANAUSMEX, fear mongering, reactionary, and unenlightened unextremist of me. I should've distinguished the normal everyday undocumented forged document-carrying, Social Security number-stealing, identity-theiving, job application-falsifying, cheap- slave-laboring, wage-depressing, income tax-evading, unlicensed-driving, marriage-shamming, TB inoculation-avoiding, insurance-lacking, child-endangering, border-violating, state-invading, smuggler-paying, environment-trashing, national forest-damaging, endangered species-threatening, private property-trespassing, freight train-hopping, water supply-straining, public employee-impersonating, hospital-bankrupting, deportation order-disobeying, in front of the line-cutting, U.S. taxpayers for suckers-playing, health and human services, education, housing, energy, transportation, financial, and fiscal infrastructures-burdening, nation of laws-disresprecting, -disrupting, and -destroying, amnesty-demanding, Mexican Manifest Destiny-pushing, language-dividing, Press 2 for Separate But Equal-requiring, entitlement-expecting, repeat-offending, law-breaking tramposos cheaters from these somewhat more directly murderous importers and traffickers of comprehensively documented deterioration, disorder, danger, disease, drugs, destruction, depravity, death, And. More. Death.
My bad.
Labels: Deranged Extremist Moonbat Obdurate Craven Retarded Appeasing Traitorous Slime (DEMOCRATS), Dump MqQain (before he again dumps on us), Where's the Fence?

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