"The era of bad partisanship is over."ztlán Señátor Juda S. MqAveriq:
My friends, there are seven challenges I am setting forth for my campaign — to strengthen our families, to renew our schools and expand educational opportunity, to help every immigrant and American who's willing to work for it achieve economic security, to take our streets back from crime, to protect our environment, to reform our government so that it serves better and costs less, and to keep America the leading force for peace and freedom throughout the world.
We will meet these challenges, not through bad partisanship. The era of bad partisanship is over, because we can't go back to a time when our parties were just left to look out for themselves.
We will meet them by going forward as one America, by working together in our communities, our schools, our mosques and churches and synagogues, our workplaces across the entire spectrum of our civic life.

As we move forward with tomorrow's challenges, we also must take care of yesterday's unfinished business. First, we must close down Guantanamo Bay so the world won't be mad at us. Next, we must sign the Kyoto treaty so the world will start to like us. Then we must secure our borders by asking undocumented immigrants to sign a pledge that they will never break our laws ever again so the American people won't be mad at them. Finally, we must do more to reach across party lines so all Americans will like each other.
I came to Washington 26 years ago determined to act, and I did. I acted like a Republican but voted like a Demoqrat. I formed gangs with Demoqrats. I am "easily" endorsed by Demoqrat "news"papers. Heck, I almost became John Qerry's running mate! So if anyone can reject Republicans unite our two parties, I can.
That's why I've asked Senator Qlinton to work side by side with me in an effort to unite both our parties so we can move forward together to meet all these challenges.
My friends, I am very pleased to announce that "she" has not only agreed to do so but has accepted my invitation to be my running mate.
A Gang of 2 MqQain-Qlinton ticket is just the change our country needs to give it hope again for the future.
Labels: Dump MqQain (before he again dumps on us), elitist despot liberals (BIRM), narcissist liberals (BIRM), Unabashed Sellouts of America, Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks), Where's the Fence?

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