That bus is going to need some cheap, domestically-drilled petroleum, else it won't be able to run over anyone in an "affordable, energy-independent" manner.ust call him Oilbama™.
Profits and jobs are good. Drilling at home is good. New refineries and nuclear power plants are good.
Forcing everyone to walk or bicycle to work or pay for universal government transportation is bad. Using any more corn for an expensively subsidized Big Ag boondoggle rather than our food is very, very bad. Nationalizing or federal tax-gouging our oil and gas industries is just plain Marxist stuck-on-stupid bad.
Fully-electric or 50-MPG cars, mercury-filled curly light bulbs, electricity-spiking PCs constantly turned off then on, clearing and paving over our lands for windmill and solar-panel farms till they take up more space than Texas, "Nobody expects the Hansen Inquisition®!", al-Gorepocrisy and his Size 20x carbon footprint, .... We'll get back to you on those. (Maybe.)
The wheels on Oilbama's flex-fuel-efficient bus Go round and round Round and round Round and round The wheels on Oilbama's flex-fuel-efficient bus Go round and round All over everyone who isn't whom he used to know |

Labels: clue-challenged liberals (BIRM), g'liberal warming, liberals unhinged, Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks)

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