...didn't support "a darky"? Color me (pun required) surprised.est Virginia's Demoqrat senator and favorite ex-KKK Exalted Cyclops and official recruiter Robert "There Are White Niggers" Byrd — who voted against Thurgood Marshall's confirmation, who opposed the Voting Rights Act, who tried to derail the original Civil Rights Act, and who wrote he'd rather "die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds" — must be very proud today that three-fifths two-thirds of his fellow Demokkkrats felt it'd be less degrading for their state to vote for an almost-indicted admitted liar than any such "race mongrel throwback."
Too bad they have only 28 delegates to split between the two, else their votes might have kept this beloved land of ours from nominating "the blackest specimen from the wilds" for president.
Labels: liberal racism, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, more liberal intolerance, They Campaign We Decide '08

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