We have a real consensus!enilitor Ted "I Murdered Mary Jo" al-Qennedy, Dismalqrat from Manslaughteretts, even agrees. Human beings are starving out the planet.
But the nazi flat-earther Holocaust Global Starving® Deniers™ would that we all simply simple mindedly bury our heads in the sandwich bread and let Earth Mother Gaia's stomach growl louder and louder until everyone turns into a bunch of cannibals (© 2008 Ted Turdner).
"Those distended bellies in the Third World, if they really do exist, could be due to anything," said one denier future defendant at some sort of foodstuff Nuremberg. "Natural cycles, perhaps. Or Michael Mooribund hitting another all-you-can-eat lunch buffet at Pizza Hut." Then he gets even stupider: "You just can't take a few belly measurements and jump to the conclusion that humans driving around in their FFVs is the reason it's all happening." What an utter Moore-on.
Of course, abetting them in their denial Crime Against Humanity™ are the dirty evil greedy record-profit money grubbers of Big Green. They've been making a killing — literally — off selling the notion that the only way to Save the Planet® is for everyone to "go green." As in go ahead and buy your corn guzzling cars and don't worry about The Children™ in Haiti having to eat mud cookies for supper as a result! Why should they or those Gulf of Mexico Dead Zones deny you any of the joys of green living?
Now all the Really Smart People, being so well-edumacated, already consense that unless all our governments and the United Nations do something major right now to prevent this Impending Cataclysmic Catastrophe O' Doom — like raising everyone's taxes so we can help poor people buy carbohydrate offsets — every single person on the planet will die by 2015 2035 2072 a Year So Horribly Close We Dare Not Even Try Naming It™.
All the Stupid People, on the other hand, aren't really smart enough to consense that our entire world is facing such imminent peril.
When these people aren't disputing or outright ignoring the dire reports by renowned foodstuffologists, restaurateurs, nutritionists, and grocers comprising the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Foodstuff Change, they're no doubt either stupidly reading looking at the pictures in An Inconvenient Unconvincing Truth or voting for Hillosery Rob'em al-Qlinton.
Labels: clue-challenged liberals (BIRM), elitist despot liberals (BIRM), g'liberal warming, liberals unhinged, Union of Soviet-style Socialist States of America, Useless Nitwits

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