Our dedication to Mexico's favorite senator. (With profuse apologies to a late, true American patriot.)hanks for the amnesty
Your borders open wide
Let everyone inside
Where rule of law and double fence
Have all been put aside
How lovely it is!
Thanks for the amnesty
Your every document
Is nowhere evident
When we come in and do your jobs
For a wage of fifty percent
How lovely it is!
Many's the time that we cheated
And many's the time that we got licensed
Oh, well, it's swell to know that you're getting reconquisted
With so much harm we've done
Soon you'll all be gone
And thanks for the amnesty
Of lawbreaking that we do
Nightmarish DREAM Acts too
We pay no "fines" but pledge allegiance
To the good ol' N-A-U
So thank you so much
(Copyright © 2008 MqQain-TdQennedy for El Presidente-Vice Presidente '08!, Inc. None of your rights preserved.)
Labels: clue-challenged liberals (BIRM), immigration deform, narcissist liberals (BIRM), Unabashed Sellouts of America, undocumented lawbreakers, Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks), Where's the Fence?

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