Monday, February 18, 2008 |
All from unexpected quarters...achary Weston, age 16, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, writes the editor of his local paper explaining why he believes Governor Mike Huckabee "has every right to remain in the race" and "should keep fighting":
- Huckabee's victories in Louisiana and Kansas, and his virtual tie with McCain in the controversial Washington state race, demonstrate his proven ability to garner votes....
If Huckabee can secure enough (Romney delegates as well as McCain-wary conservatives' support), he could become a serious challenger to McCain's dominance. Nowhere was this scenario more aptly demonstrated than with McCain's campaign itself: Resurging from near bankruptcy over the summer of 2007 to his current front-runner status. It isn't over until it's over.
Although his chances are slim, there is much merit in the Huckabee candidacy. Even if he does not secure nomination, Huckabee's continued presence sends a message to McCain that he and the Republican Party cannot afford to ignore.
Mr. Weston hasn't reached voting age. Yet he knows more about this vital election than most citizens who have.
He shames those "professional" yabberers whose petty shallowness is no more amply displayed than by their so-called complaint that the name Huckabee is too "funny sounding."
Washington. Now that's a funny sounding name if there ever was one. What's its meaning? A town where everyone goes to do their common washing? Obviously, no one with such a menial, hickish name could ever amount to anything, much less be accepted by a sophisticated American public.
Lincoln. That's even worse. It means "lake colony," for goodness' sakes. Whoever has this name better not think of running for dog catcher, much less anything higher, lest the knowing crowd brand both it and him too ridiculous to ever be what they consider "viable."
Roosevelt. Huh? With that comical name you'd be lucky if you can run fast enough from a beating on the playground. Running for public office with it? To quote our beloved sneering non-hoi polloi: You must be joking.
The idea of a U.S. president having any of these names is almost as ridiculous as that of a handful of backward colonies belonging to the British empire at its very height, all having the unprecedented presumptuousness to believe they could ever be — foolish as it may sound — "free and independent states."
I mean, get real.
Labels: a Republic if we can keep it, more liberal intolerance, Power to the people, President Huckabee, They Campaign We Decide '08

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