Wednesday, February 13, 2008 |
HeraldNet's Jerry Cornfield:- [Governor Mike] Huckabee has received a mound of media attention this week because of the furor generated regarding the results of last Saturday's caucuses.
His campaign advisers publicly questioned the veracity of the results and blasted ["Republican"] state party chairman[/MqQain (D-Soros/Keating5)'s MqBoy] Luke Esser for declaring a victor before all the votes had been counted. The campaign's legal team remained in Washington state Tuesday.
[Mexican señátor Juan] McCain MqQan't-Win-General-Election held a slim lead Saturday night when Esser declared him the winner. With 96 percent of precincts counted Monday night, [AZtlán señior citizen señátor] McCain Mq"We-Don't-Need-No-Stinking-Border-Fence" still led.
Results of unfinished caucus voting released Monday by the state Republican Party show the 39 counties nearly evenly split among [Demoqrat señátor] McCain MqShredder-Of-Our-First-Amendment, 12; [Governor] Huckabee, 12; and [Congressman Ron] Paul, 10, with one county not reporting.
[Señor Amnesty] McCain MqRINO MqHundred-Years-War was pulling the most delegates in the state's two largest counties, King and Pierce. He also is leading in Island and Skagit counties.
[Governor] Huckabee is ahead in Snohomish and 11 other counties, including Whatcom and Thurston.
[Congressman] Paul was scoring the most delegates in Spokane, Clark and eight other counties
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won in four counties even though he suspended his campaign two days before the caucuses.
With the spotlight on the caucuses and the aftermath, some voters may have thought they were done with the presidential nominating process but they're not, [WA Secretary of State Sam] Reed said.
Other voters are calling in to the Snohomish County Republican Party offices wondering if they can legally vote in the primary if they took part in the caucuses.
They can, said chairwoman Geri Modrell.
Labels: government over beyond and forsaking the people, Unabashed Sellouts of America, Union of Soviet-style Socialist States of America, Where's the Fence?

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