Thursday, February 07, 2008 |
to the "Huckabee Wants To Be Veep Because We Just Know So Because We're So Bloody Smart We Can Actually Read Bloody Minds Now Or, More Likely, We Figure By Starting This Bloody Rumor We'll Bloody Sink Him Good Now"™ vicious- and desperate-sounding professional blatherers in the media especially.I
That if either Juan Shamnesty "MqMy MqFriends" MqQain MqQennedy III of Arizona Aztlana or Willfraud Mitt-Mott Rhoney of Massoqueeretts is chosen the Republican presidential nominee, I will, on November 4, write in on my ballot the names of John David Ashcroft of Missouri and Condoleezza Rice of the District of Columbia, respectively, for President and Vice President of the United States of America;
That I will not forget either the fact no sitting Republican senator has ever won a presidential election besides Warren Gamaliel Harding of Ohio, who died in office, or the fact no Republican governor from a Northeastern state has ever won one at all;
That I will vote in the general election for Michael Dale Huckabee of Arkansas if and only if he is chosen the Republican presidential nominee;
That I will vote for John David Ashcroft of Missouri if, by some miracle, the Republican Party comes to its senses and instead choses him its presidential nominee; and
That I will vote for only the most conservative Republican candidates in the upcoming congressional and state primaries.
Labels: John Ashcroft, President Huckabee, Vice President Thompson

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