Monday, February 11, 2008 |
Can't win honestly and fairly, so he has his underlings in Washington state try to steal the election — like any "good" Demoqrat would.o much for his Restoring Trust® thingy. From's Kathy Gill (emphases added, name spellings corrected):
- Did
McCain MqDemoqrat Really Win Washington?
HorsesAss is detailing irregularities in the Washington State Republican primary, which "WSRP Chair Luke Esser officially called ... [with only] ... 87.5% of precincts reporting."
That's right. Less than 230 votes were separating Governor Mike Huckabee from beating Juan MqBackstabber in yet another state, and the Washington State GOP headed by a MqBackstabber-Juice Guzzler™ had to invoke the seldom-used and never-legal "Quit (Counting) While You're Ahead" Rule™.
Just like any loyal Demoqrat would.
- The race — which allocates half of Washington's delegates — was close, very close:
John McCain Señior Citizen of Mexico Señátor Juan Shamnesty MqQuisling III (25.4%), [Governor] Mike Huckabee (23.8%) and [Congressman] Ron Paul (20.7%). The GOP website gives no data on percentage reporting.
"We can't let any of that pesky 'data' get in the way of our foisting a fraudulent coronation on the GOP, now can we? You rubes are like sooooo naïve," MqLuke MqEsser told LU News after wiping off his mq-mouth.
Were party leaders remembering 1996, when Ellen Craswell, a fundamentalist, took the Republican nomination for governor ... setting up Gary Locke's landslide victory? Were they trying to be strategic, for a change?
If by "strategic" you mean cheating like a Demoqrat to steal an election, then, why yes, they were.
Mitt Romney has been the GOP caucus leader, not McCain MqDemoqrat of D.[N.]C., who does better in open primaries. And even though Romney had withdrawn, he still got 17% of the vote on Saturday. This makes next week's primary vote even more interesting.
In the meantime, [Governor] Huckabee has cried foul and the state GOP has supposedly resumed counting (recounting?).
"&^$%, you caught us. Guess we'll have to do some more of that Restore Trust® stuff. Now how does that go, again? Stab The People in the back as much as we can? But weren't we already doing that?"
Drop out, El Ol' MqQain. Drop out now. For The Good Of The Party™.
Labels: Unabashed Sellouts of America, Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks), Where's the Fence?

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