Saturday, January 26, 2008 | any state.ompetition is a dirty word to Hillosery, even given "her" extremely foul mouth. Only when nobody's on the ballot besides "her"self does "she" have any hope of "winning" an actual majority. But even then "she" has to lie and cheat to "win" it.
Williar Jiverson Qlinton's very old "lady" wasn't the only losing loser to lose the South Carolina Demoqrat primary. Remember how all the polls only a few days ago had Hillosery just under "10 points" below the front runner?
S.C. results |
Obama | 55% |
al-Qlinton | 27% |
Edwards | 18% |
In reality, the result was almost 30.
So much for polls and the lying liars who lie about them. The only ones that are reliable now are the only ones that matter. We non-elitist, non-Hillosery-bootlickers call them "elections."
Even then there isn't really any competition. Barack Hussein Obama's rallying cry is "Yes, we can!" Hillosery's inevitably "No, 'she' can't."
Labels: Good News, Sealing the fate of freedom's enemies, They Campaign We Decide '08

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