Williar Jellyfisherson al-Qlinton's old "lady" says a lot of extremely dumb things.o need to go back to "her" 1969 Wellesley College commencement speech
extolling the "virtues" of a "more immediate, ecstatic, and penetrating mode of living." (Must have something to do with lots and lots… and lots of drugs.) The many incredibly stupid things "she"'s said just within the last twelve months or so are more than plenty. Enough to show both "her" and "her" "husband" have, themselves, already "put bullets in their brains."
For examples:
If President Musharraf [of Pakistan] wishes to stand for election, then he should abide by the same rules that every other candidate will have to follow....
I think [sic] it will be very difficult to have a real election [in Pakistan]. You know, Nawaz Sharif has said he's not going to compete. The PPP is in disarray with Benazir's assassination. He [President Musharraf] could be the only person on the ballot. I don't think [sic] that's a real election.
How dumb can "she" be?- The upcoming elections [in Pakistan] are for the next parliament. Musharraf was just elected president of Pakistan, overwhelmingly, by popularly elected electors on Oct. 6. He's just begun his five-year term as the president of the country. Why would he ever want to run for one seat in parliament?...
Sen. Clinton really didn't know that the upcoming elections were for individual seats in Pakistan's parliament. She actually believed that Bhutto, Nawaz and Musharraf would be facing off as individual candidates for leadership of the country in the upcoming elections.
Sen. Clinton didn't know that Nawaz Sharif [leader of the PML-N, an opposition party] isn't allowed to run for office in Pakistan because of a felony conviction. She didn't know that President Musharraf won't be on the ballot because he's already been elected.
Even her flip-flops evinces massive stupidity:
In those instances where we have sufficient basis to believe that there is something imminent [e.g., a terrorist attack], yeah [by all means use torture], but then we've got to have a check and balance [so we can stomach it].
But only two weeks earlier "she" way saying,
Have we fallen so low as to debate how much torture we are willing to stomach?
Apparently so, in "her" idiotic case.
Then "Her" Nibs the Mental Midget™ gets really stupid:
[Idiotardia – Oct. 10] We know in New York we have several million at any one time who are in New York [you already established that, you slowwitted dolt] illegally.... They are driving on our roads. [What else would they be doing on them? Handstands?] The possibility of them having an accident that harms themselves or others is just a matter of the odds.
The possibility of "her" saying something that sounds even remotely intelligent, however, isn't. It's a matter of fever-induced hallucinations.
[Stupidville – Nov. 5] I do not believe we can resolve this problem [i.e., invasion after invasion of undocumented illegal aliens] unless we bring people out of the shadows.
The sound you are hearing is another dozen or so whole galaxies falling into the Singularity of Stoopid™ created by "her" brainless statement. "She' doesn't mean finding those invading lawbreakers and deporting them, as our Nation of Laws clearly requires, but effectively giving them all free passes that insanely turn it into a Nation of Lawlessness. Yeah, real smart.
['Tardland - Mar. 8, 2006] No one benefits from the current system [of immigration "laws" — except, of course, lawbreaking invaders]. The undocumented [illegals] are made to live in constant fear of persecution [as all lawbreakers should, Your Moronicness — but don't, thanks to you], too afraid to come forward when they are sick or in need of help.
Or when 15,000 march through downtown Los Angeles carrying signs that say "Amnesty Now!" and "Love Thy Neighbor, Don't Deport Him" while chanting "Si, se puede!" ("It can be done!") like below?
"She"'s a "comedienne" and an idiotarian.
But just when you think BiIsIs al-Qlinton's old "lady" has fully drained "her" Reservoir of Retarded Hogwash™ "she" opens up all the flood gates to completely resupply it:
[Cockamamia – Sept. 9] There are many in the political and frankly in the broadcast world today who take a particular aim at our Latino population. I think [sic] it's very destructive.
That "particular aim" is at lawbreaking, invading illegals who care nothing about respecting a sovereign people's duly enacted laws, and at their enablers, including "her," who not only want but encourage such invaders to continue crossing our nation's borders with impunity. Leave it to "Her" Denseness to miserably fail to figure out what's truly destructive.
[Babbleland – Oct. 16] It's unfortunate that too many people are crossing our borders illegally using this to demagogue the issue instead of trying to solve it.
Such as "Ma" PotKettle demagoguing it in order to shove down all our throats some Total shAmnesty "solution." That's not just unfortunate, it's mind-numbingly predictable.
[Ibid.] I didn't hear a lot of immigrant-bashing in the 90s....
With all "her"
250 "I don't recall"s (under oath, no less) accumulated throughout the 90s, "she" wouldn't remember hearing it if there was any. Nonetheless, this is one if not the only instance — undoubtedly unintentional — where what "she"'s saying and what the truth is aren't annihilating themselves in some massive matter/antimatter-like explosion on contact: No one, then or now, would engage in "immigrant-bashing" when talking about our country's lawfully welcomed, law-abiding guests, unless he or she (or "she") is an idiotic race-pandering demagogue or racist moron, or both (like "her"self).
Now with the economy kind of stalled for a lot of middle-class Americans,
Only a complete imbecile and mindless demagogue would characterize the economy "kind of stalled" for any class of Americans:
The GDP grew by 3.9 percent in the third quarter ("faster than expected," according to The New York Times).
Productivity surged by 4.9 percent in the third quarter, according to the Labor Dept. — the fastest pace in four years ("far better than had been expected," notes AP).
1.25 million non-farm payroll jobs have been created since [last] January — 8.4 million since the 2003 Bush tax cuts, according to Investor's Business Daily....
IBD also reports that the GDP is up 18.5 percent — about $1.8 trillion — since the start of the Bush Presidency.
The October jobless rate at 4.7 percent, according to the Labor Dept., continued months of basically full employment.
The deficit has fallen to just 1.2 percent of GDP — negligible, say most economists, in a $14 trillion economy, says IBD. The Wall Street Journal reports: "After the second Bush tax cut of 2003, the budget deficit tumbled to $163 billion in 2007 from $401 billion in 2003."
On Nov. 8 the Conference Board announced that discretionary income for U.S. consumers grew to a record high going into the fourth quarter. Some 73 million households [mainly middle-class], or 64 percent, have $1.7 trillion at their disposal (up from 52 percent and $1.2 trillion in 2002). AP actually reports: "If it feels like more and more Americans have extra money to spend, that's because they do."....
[H]ousing starts were actually up 3 percent in October....
According to the latest Income Mobility report released by the Treasury Department, neary 58 percent of taxpayers who were in the poorest income group in 1996 had moved into a higher income category by 2005.
Rush Limbaugh, "Economics 101," The Limbaugh Letter, December 2007, pp. 2, 4. (emphasis added)
...they are being told, "Well, blame immigrants."
How daft can "she" be? — or daft does "she"
think feel we are?
Legal immigrants are a big part of the reason our economy is far from being the "bear cupboard" "Her" Demented Demagogueriness moronically claims it is. Just imagine how even better it would be without all the strains
illegal immigrants invaders put on our
nation and
states' public and private
infrastructures and
institutions and our
rule of law. (Not that "Her" Nibsal Numbskullness the Cretin of Chappaqua would know anything about that last item.)
[Asinineton – Nov. 5] I think [sic] that it's understandable that states are trying to fill a vacuum left by the failures of the federal government....
Failures "her" fatuous self helped wrought as another do-nothing member of that government's legislative branch.
(But t)hat is not an answer.... (We) don't want to see 50 states' policies on immigration.
"She" doesn't want to see any policies on it, period. (But we already knew that.) Bluedresserson al-Qlinton's old "lady" wants nothing more than to have the federal government keep imposing on all our states the same old policy failures "she"'s been too idiotically incompetent (and much too busy trying to grab ever more power for just "her"self) to ever "change."
[Boneheadia – Nov. 6] I think [sic] the fact that governors...
Something "she"'s too doltish to have any hope of ever being without "her" "husband"'s hand up "her"
dress pantsuit so he can
program operate "her" dummy mouth.
are being forced into this position is really unfortunate....
Especially given "her" miserable failures to get anything done about it at all in al-Qongress.
The federal government should be making immigration policy.
But "she," being a member of that government, hasn't. Unless you count allowing everyone to cross the border and get driver's licenses so they can register to vote (for Demogoguerats) under "her" "husband"'s Motor Voter
Joke Act without any pesky questions regarding their citizenship status. "She"'s more soft-headed than "she" feels the American people are if "she" ever felt we could fall for that one.
Speaking of easily debunked lies:
[Mt. Fibberest – Oct. 3] With the stroke of a pen, President Bush has robbed nearly four million uninsured children of the chance for a healthy start in life and the health coverage they need but can't afford.
"Her" Nibs should throw away "her" copy of
Math for Dummies® (e.g., for Hilliary) because it's obviously doing "her" no good. Three is not "nearly four." "She" doesn't grasp the concept of "almost all" too well, either,
as in:
- Current law covers "almost all of the 6.5 million uninsured children" below 200% the federal poverty level ($41,228 for a family of four in 2006), according to the nannyist Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured (latest PDF factsheet). It's their parents' job to enroll them in either Medicaid or the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) if those parents want that "hand up." The Bush Administration, using its waiver and initiative authorities, has already expanded SCHIP to include children up to 300% of poverty (in New Jersey since 2003). For parents of the remaining 3 million uninsured children [i.e., above 200% the federal poverty level], Republican lawmakers have a plan to offer "tax incentives and breaks for middle-class families without health insurance to level the playing field against those who get tax-protected health plans from their employees."
B. Jobberson al-Qlinton's old "lady" is too dumb to know that a new government entitlement for middle-class parents as a bribe in exchange for their votes would be such a boneheaded abuse of the public trust even a 21-year-old "child" (defined so in the bill President Bush vetoed) could see through it.
In another series of dimwitted babblings, the Qlueless Qackler™ says,
[Al-Qlownsburg – Feb. 7] For four years, members on both sides of the aisle have watched with shock and dismay as our President has made mistake, after misjudgment, after miscalculation (in Iraq).
Then "she" proceeds to
run "her" simpering, sniveling yap all over the map, saying "she" would keep our Troops there for five years, until 2013, before flip-floppily saying "she" would withdraw nearly all of them within a year of beginning redeployment. By trying to have it both ways, our
Sir Edmund Hillary Muskie has reached the Pinnacle of Pinheadedness higher than a stack of
three nearly four Mount Everests.
The next two Moronian Mewings™ practically speak for themselves:
[MM Mark-II – Nov. 14] I will not support driver's licenses for undocumented people [of the Undocumented-American community?] and will press for a comprehensive immigration reform that deals with all of the issues around illegal immigration including border security and fixing our broken system.
(Does anyone know how to translate
[MM Mark-I – Oct. 3] (This driver's license plan) makes a lot of sense.
That is, about the same as "she" ever does.
At the risk of widening the Singularity of Stoopid's event horizon to the Edges of the Known Universe™:
There are some who will say they don't know where I stand [on the issues]. Well I think you know better than that. I stand where I have stood for 35 years [i.e., right there by "Her" Man™ the consummate adulterer, always needing to ride piggyback atop his career]. I stand with you and with your children and with every American who needs a fighter in their corner for a better life.
A "more immediate, ecstatic, and penetrating mode" of life? Is that "better"? Anyway, it's a Good Thing™ "she" told us "she" stands with Teh Children
®, because, you know, it's not like every pandering politician in the History of Politics has ever said that. Glad "Her" Simpletoness cleared that one up. We were beginning to wonder.
Of course, being a lunkhead lawyer, BiIsIs "Jewboy"erson (© 1974 Sir Edumb Hilliary) al-Qlinton's old "lady" not only miserably failed to mention whether "she" stands with our elderly, but stupidly doesn't recall the fact that, in reality, "she" and "her" "husband" don't stand with them at all.
- Bill Clinton has been paid $3.3 million by Info USA, an Omaha, Nebraska company that has been identified as a key provider of specially designed databases that have been sold to criminals who use the detailed information to defraud the unsuspecting elderly.
It's clear "she" does stand with a company that cheats the elderly out of their life savings and robs them of their chance to live a "more immediate, ecstatic, and penetrating mode of living,"
especially after it coughed up $146,866 in January 2002, to ferry the Qlintons & Qo. to Acapulco and back for a "family vacation."
Does "she" stupidly feel we're as idiotic as "she" is and wouldn't see right through "her" moronic and insincere pandering? Indeed, the only ones "Her" Nibs really stands with are "her" secret police whenever "she" tells them, "We'll just have to win."
Americans need a change, all right. A dynasty change. A final end to the sixteen long years filled with the ever selfish Qo-dependent Qlintons' universally vicious and destructive slash-and-burn partisanship.
To paraphrase Demoqrat presidential front runner Barack Hussein Obama, the party's fresh and new inevitable nominee: "Her" Nincompoopness only gives people reasons to hate. We need someone who gives people reasons to love. Someone who actually is smart. Not anyone so stupefyingly stupid as BJ Qlinton's old "lady" is.
source of dated Stoopid Quotes™: "Who said it? – Eliot Spitzer? or Hillary Clinton?" The Limbaugh Letter, December 2007, p. 11.
Labels: clue-challenged liberals (BIRM), elitist despot liberals (BIRM), liberal racism, liberals unhinged, megalomaniacal liberals (BIRM), narcissist liberals (BIRM)

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