Teh $martest "Womyn" In Teh Wooorrrrrrrld® not only couldn't win one of our smaller states, "she" couldn't even beat John Hairedwards!he' couldn't." The epitaph carved now on the tombstone of BiIsIs Jiverson al-Qlinton's old "lady"'s qampaign.
"Her" Nibs: The Most Unelectable Qandidate™ since Ever.
The American people are finally getting their chance to say: "We've experienced 16 years of you, Hillosery. Enough. Go away! We're moving on, we want what's new, we demand a clean slate this election."
(In lieu of funeral flowers, Teh Qlintons Qrime Qin requests Demoqrats cast their primary votes for Barack Hussein Obama, their only electable candidate in 2008. Because Hillosery couldn't be.)
- "It really felt more like a funeral" — MSNBC's [Andrea] Mitchell, on the scene at
Hillary Clinton's [BJ Qlinton's old "lady"'s] HQ (MSNBC). "Trying to lighten the mood, the campaign put her rally soundtrack on in the ballroom, blasting Dolly Parton's 'Workin' 9 to 5,' but no one danced." And, just before 10 pm EST, HR[Qacklin'] called Obama to concede ("The Trail").
Labels: Good News, Sealing the fate of freedom's enemies, They Campaign We Decide '08

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